This might actually belong in the Back Room as history, but as a college legend I thought I would post it here. An amazing story. Earl got up: Inside the second act of a Texas legend
Earl is a legend in so many ways. Not just as a football player but as a man. Not to mention Earl Campbell Sausage is pretty darn good! I saw an interview recently of Earl, it was on the Longhorn Network. They were talking about the field being named after him and Ricky Williams. He went on about what an honor it was and esp since the family of the late Joe Jamail, requested it. He also opined about the "Eyes of Texas", which some players had objected to on the grounds that back in 190? when it was first penned it was done in blackface at a minstrel show that was a fund raiser. There are other bits of the story, but bottom line Earl was the voice of reason, he said essentially that it was 100 years ago and things have changed and he thinks that the song meant a lot to him and to others and that people need to take it for it's meaning in today's world not the situation in 190? That reasonable approach is what makes Earl a great person.
Gluten free sausage! Clear appeal to the Austin market but I thought 90% of the city’s residents were vegan.