We watched the 1st half of the Tennessee game today and recorded the full game on ESPN Gameplan for watching the second half when we got back home. We pay for ESPN Gameplan... have done so for years. When we got home, I went to the DVR to play the second half. "Please select Buy Now and pay $24.99 to view this recording" window came up. To shorten about a 35 minute interrogation of both call center operator and supervisor, DirecTv told me this is something new wit ESPN. You can watch the game live, but must pay extra to watch it after it is over. They swore that ESPN made changes in Gameplan. We called ESPN to be told that the cable/satellite provider is blowing smoke. They are double collecting on something for which ESPN gets paid a flat fee. Does anyone else have game plan? Are you experiencing the same issue with your cable/satellite provider?
Tom, I have Dish network and recorded Alabama and Va Tech today. I just started it after reading your topic and it is playing. What Direct TV says doesn't make sense to me.
I have Directv and I subscribe to GamePlan but didn't record anything this weekend so can't say if you are right or wrong. But if it is true, then it's way way too much money to play. Heck that more than a premium movie in HD.
They are bullshitting you. If you've paid for it, it's yours. They will probably try to say it's because you were recording a PPV channel and then they'll blame the software.. then the channel. It's ********. They may not let you DVR PPV channels, but they can give you your money back at least. I've never heard of anyone not being able to record games. That's actually in the marketing language for DVR/Digital Satellite/Cable and Season Package items. I don't have the Season Package this year, but I'd bet you that's what they are doing. Be careful with those things though, ESPN leaves a lot up to the discretion of the provider. For example, back in 00-02, I purchased ESPN GamePlan through Charter. If you had Dish, or really any satellite, and purchased Game Plan.. you'd get somewhere around 10 to 12 games. I was getting 4. One of which was almost always one of the local teams. I fought them tooth and nail because the local Charter told us "GamePlan is different depending on your provider." It was total ********. It took me 3 years to get something from ESPN stating they (Charter) were wrong.
DirecTv is supposed to have me an answer that keeps me from throwing all three DVRs and all 3 regular receivers out in my front yard by close of business on Tuesday.