Seems these dedicated professionals have turned their back on their students and shuttered their schools, while the Senate democrats decided they'd rather not participate in the democratic process, but instead leave the state.......
What about the school meals program? Won't the kids now starve with the teachers shutting down the schools? Those heartless teachers and Democrats.
8) Uh exqueeze me, but not everyone in this photo is a teacher... I could have been protesting for my inalienable rights to your tax dollars today. My union invited me to participate in planned street activities up in Sacramento. But I have a better idea; I'll just sit here on me arse at full pay, because today is a holiday. (President's Day.) Maybe I'll go to the protest tomorrow after I get a doctor's note to keep that old cash flow going... This is hard work! How long to Spring break?
Hey enjoy your day off. I like many in the private sector went to work today so we can pay taxes, so that most public employees can take a well earned day off.
I'm working today. I refuse to take a "President's Day" off and celebrate it as a national holiday until we have a legitimate president in office. :x :x :x
:lol: Jims idea of not working... grading and posting grades lesson plans for the week. started early finished after midnight he is so full of himself... all he does is work. and next year to be worse they lost another teacher in social studies they have gone from 12 when he started to 3 next year.... hopefully by next school year we will have moved out there so he doesnt have that long drive everyday/
I see that the Wisc Gov was scammed by a prank caller who the Gov thought was a big time Conservative money guy and spoke frankly with a liberal blogger instead. Sort of embarrassing, but the conversation really shouldn't shock anybody. I would wager that if Obama thought he was talking to one of his liberal supporters privately off the record he would probably say things and say them in a way that he would not say to the Media. This isn't the first time a fake caller has gotten through to a politician and recorded some stuff that the Politician wished he'd not said for public consumption. Prank Call
Taping messages without a parties consent is illegal in many states. As you may recall the only one convicted in the Lewinsky matter was Linda Tripp who recorded conversations. I guess this is part of the "new civility" requested by Obama.
The Milwaukee teacher's union is finally getting on message about public employees' willingness to sacrifice as it announced today that it is dropping its lawsuit against the city who had sought to eliminate payment for Viagra as a covered prescription expense. Supposedly this was costing city taxpayers over $750,000 a year. Either: a. that estimate is excessive; b. the problem of erectile dysfunction is far more pervasive for Milwaukee male teachers than the general male population in general or c. Milwaukee male teachers have a hellava lot more fun than your average public sector working stiff, so to speak. Methinks the answer is "c" And, if so, why in the hell did I go to law school, again? The city's fire department is not yet on message as they are requesting a 10% pay raise. But, my neighbor is a fireman ( and a great neighbor) and since it also seems like half of the fire department lives within a mile of my home, I plan to tell my neighbor that if he has an extra "Save Wisconsin from Scott" sign, I would be happy put it on my lawn/snow bank. My political principles are pretty flexible in these trying times in Wisconsin, especially if small steps can avoid having one's home being the site of a neighborhood bratwurst roast if my house somehow caught on fire.
Thanks T and Sid but it is probably best that I keep my musings about life confined to the SB. Spent a long time here trying to improve upon my comedic and driving skills.
You are a much better comic than you are a driver...but I still appreciate the ride and also am aware of my failings as a navigator.