what does it matter <t>he is busy screwing on another championship ring.<br/> <br/> Beckett is flat nasty. Anything that anyone does to p*ss this guy off should be welcomed by Red Sox nation. As long as this guy is on edge, hitters are in trouble.</t>
Congratulations to C.C. Sabathia. Both he and Josh Beckett had great seasons and the vote could have gone either way. From the vote count it appears Sabathia was the clear favorite, though.
Give it a rest, Joel. Your poor-sport whining is as tiresome as your poor-sport gloating. Both Sabathia and Beckett deserved the award, but the voting wasn't even close. It was based only on the regular season, and there are several stats which favor Sabathia. If you can muster up the energy after you've worn yourself out whining, you can look them up. I'm not going to do your work for you.
Guys... <t>I mentioned before I have known Josh Barfield of the Indians since he was at Klein HS here in Houston. His best friend is my best friends son who is in the D-Backs system. In the off season we all get together for lunch several times at a favorite Mexican food joint. We had lunch last week and of course I picked Josh's brain for his year with the Indians since he was traded by the Padres.<br/> I asked him what kind of guy was CC and he broke out laughing. He said he is a great guy funny and laughs at himself all the time. His comment was " where else would a team let a fat guy like me pitch." Anyway CC has one more year on his contract w/ the Indians and he is afree agent. Josh told him to test the market as where do you get a pitcher coming off a year like he did and now the CY plus he was healthy all year. The Yankees and Red Sox will beat each other to death to get him if he has another good year in 08. He said the Indians are trying to sign him now to a long term deal so this will be a fun one to watch.</t>
OK SID !!! Chew on this "fact" for a while. CC SAFATBOY had 38 innings pitched against teams with a winning record. Beckett had 118 .3 innings pitched against teams with a winning record. This story is ovah...I repeat Beckett got SCREWED!!
When you throw insults like that at a great pitcher your rants and stats don't even deserve to be responded to. Do you happen to have a source for that stat?
BTW I "chewed" on that fact you threw out JIF. I counted that CC pitched at least 80.1 innings against Boston, LAA, Detroit, Seattle, Tloronto, Atlanta and Phil. I didn't bother with Beckett's stats because quite frankly it's obvious to me that whoever put that stat out there was full of crap. Chew on that.
Thank, Gip. I knew that stat was horse crap and like Stu said did not deserve a response. Nice research. They both are outstanding pitchers who had outstanding seasons and led their teams to tie for the best regular season record in MLB. Sabathia had a slightly lower ERA, a few more starts, 4 CG to 1 for Beckett, 1 less win (19 to 20), the same number of losses (7), many more SO, and slightly less run support. Beckett was lights out in the post season and Sabathia struggled, but that is immaterial because the award is based only on the regular season.
When you look at paper stats, Sabathia deserves it. Not even a debate. That being said, when you lookup and see them both pitch, Beckett is far and away a better pitcher. His stuff is just nasty.
Jif, I was surprised that Beckett didn't get it...no doubt if it was voted on after the post season he would have...he is an incredible talent and the two of them had great seasons. What I said about not deserving a response had to do with your "Safatboy" comment. Who am I to judge?...I dunno...just another schmuck with an opinion.
ok stu no hard feelings. I get carried away with my Sox at times ( Ive looked like a "Schmuck" more times then not ):!:
Joel, Most of us have looked like schmucks at one time or another, definitely including moi. It usually involves topics which raise our emotions, like the Red Sox for you and ND for me. We need to remain friends so when we see one of our own looking like a schmuck, we'll just have to tell him to schmuck off. :lol: :lol: