More like underachievers to me Jiffer. Kinda like staying late after work 'casue you screwed around all day and didn't get the job done.
No doubt Jif the BE is a very strong conference top to bottom. If you look at a Notre Dame team that is a bottom of the league BE team and they beat Texas who is a upper half of the B12 team.
PITT and UCONN in the CG? And I'm talking foolish? :shock: :? TARHEELS TAKE IT ALL THIS YEAR JIFFER!!
I dunno... UCLA ran Notre Dame out of the gym and the Bruins are a good, but incomplete, team. This is a weird year. The Big East looks incredibly deep, but they are classic underachievers. The SEC is down, the Pac10 was killed by all the 1st round draft choices who jumped after last season. The Big10 looks good, but not great. The Big12 looks to have a couple good teams, and a whole lot of bad ones... but the bad ones appear to be finishing strong. The ACC looks good, but North Carolina has its hands full with VTech right now... This tournament should be fun.
T, Good call. Terry, Indeed... and thank God for that. In the meantime, if we win another one of these things we're gunna have to start writing the years on the back
Mike wrote and told me he went to the games last night. I asked him what he thought of the Cuse-Uconn game. He said it was entertaining but he left at the half. Big mistake (unless you like to get a good nights sleep.)