Seems there is going to be an interesting game this weekend in the "Emerald City"where the "Wizard" resides (Troy or Tress,take your pick). This is what it's all about #1 vs #2( no pun intended Bob'da) all the chips on the table! Both teams appear healthy,the fires will be stoaked,the midnight oils will be burning.....another "Game of the Century" awaits us! My personal itenerary for this "hadj"involves leaving "Elk City" on thrs to head to "Toe City" holding a mini gathering of the clans with my family. Then on friday after picking Josh up at the airport on friday morning heading south to hook up with Dr. Death and Crazy John . After a friday night of debauchery(no Super 8 this time Terry, Mrs Death has us booked at the H.I. Express) rumor has it I'll be allowed to attend a tail gate at the stadium so should be an interesting weekend
Emerald City residents, beware. We are going to burn your town to the ground and make a furry handbag out of that little yippy dog. Signed, Wicked Witch of the North
8) As the interested party of the second part, we do hereby remind all combatants to strictly adhere to the Marquis of Queensbury Rules...
Hey ask Josh where those pictures are know the one with you and the Texas Ranger and me and those Maxim girls!! Hopefully Josh has been staying in shape so he can carry your beer cooler!! Terry
BTW, what is that thing growing out of your head? That's what we get for having a blonde waitress take the picture.
G-Man, did you say, "Dogs of War"? Game on..... 8)
Josh, G-Man, TOK, Stu from left to right in the first picture. Stu, TOK, G-Man from left to right in the 2nd picture.
:lol: So much for "privatization" eh Bobda? You left out the vote count that's being put on hold as well as the high school play-offs that have been rescheduled 8) History will be made this sat.!
from the looks of that one pic it must have been right before I had to make a "mad dash" to the men's room. Think Imight have clocked a 4.2