I'm sure Rick is heaving a sigh of relief!! I wonder how much the 49ers good start this year made him want to get the deal done. Crabtree I wonder who blinked the 49ers or Crabtree. :twisted:
Mixed emotions. I think he's a dick, but I'm willing to see how he conducts himself as a player. I don't expect Singletary will give him the sort of latitude TO received under the previous coaching staff and administration. Of course, TO also made the catches first.
EXACTLY, Rick. It wasn't until AFTER TO signed that he started to lead the league in dropped passes! Who are these kids, anyway?
What? Don't you know Crabtree is the guy responsible for Tech winning it's first National championshi... err I mean actually he was responsible for Tech's first Conference champ.... err I mean he was there for the division cha... Just shut up and pay him his due!