I haven't checked to see if it's going to be offered again. I know there was some concern over it by the NCAA, so CBS might have dropped it. I wanted to run our pick'em off of private software this year, but that isn't going to happen so I guess we'll just go with Yahoo's game again. :?
I want in again on the college football fantasy team. We should talk about any/all changes too since we are starting this earlier than last year...
Are we talking about two different things here? Do we have people backing out of the contest we have been holding for the past 14 years?
Tom, Separate games. We will of course have the regular game. Last year CBS offered true fantasy football using college players. I set up a league for the Skybox. It only allows 10 players, but that seems to have worked out - not everyone was interested. It's a lot tougher than the pros. You can never tell who's going to have a good week!
Yes, we did auto draft for the player draft. I think that should be the same as well. It definitely was tough to tell which players would have a good week, mostly in the beginning where teams play teams like Coastal Carolina
I'm in for both as well....but will be touch and go in terms of web access for the next month or so.....hence the question about the draft. I know we auto-drafted, but you had to prioritize your picks in advance. I just don't know by which date we will need to prepare our draft order. I have alot of homework to do before vacation.....! :shock: