Oh I pretty much guessed UGa would be the top, or near it. I'm not sure any fan base suffers more than they do. One part delusion, one part bad luck that they seem to make. They are an incredibly talented team annually, but always find ways to blow it in the most heart breaking fashion. If you were to weigh the amount of angst in my Facebook feed on Saturday nights, Georgia fans would tip the scales almost weekly.
:roll: That list is crap. Oregon? Really? If you've ever been to an Oregon game, then you know that the Duckies have the least tortured fan base in America. They were the losingest program in the nation for 80 years and it didn't bother them one bit. Look into their sleepy, bloodshot eyes. Check out their duck calls and Elmer Fudd hunter's caps. They smoke a lot of dope up there and they just row their boat gently down the stream... If the writer knew anything about western football, fan bases like USC and Arizona State would have been right up their near the top. The teeth grinding and self-mutilation in Los Angeles from the Trojans loss to Boston College hasn't stopped yet...
Speaking of Southern Cal's loss to BC, what a pea-pickin' shame. :twisted: I can't stand BC, but I'll cheer for anyone who's playing Southern Cal.
I saw on this link provided by Bill a Top 10 list of fan bases that are "Most Delusional"..... Have to admit.... I had to look....
I looked at the delusional list too. As in graduation rate the Irish were No. 1. ND came very close to winning the NC in 2012. It wasn't the Alabama score that was the turning point it was Baylor upsetting K St. the kept the Irish from a very good shot of winning it all.
Yeah maybe things turn out different if the Irish play KState for the Title instead of Alabama, but maybe not. The team would still be dealing with the Te'o issue and Brian Kelly's focus maybe being on the Philadelphia Eagles instead of the game at hand. We'll never know that's for sure.
It's not just ND's place on that list that was interesting... after living in SE Michigan for so many years and hearing the never ending arrogance and smugness of holier than thou Michigan fans I have to agree with the UM fan base being on that list. No offense to Bobda whom I really like and appreciate on this board but hey that's the way it was. I do believe humility has crept in to the Michigan psyche as of late but as soon as things turn around that fan base will be right back at it.... :wink:
But that's really true of all the traditional powers fan bases not just Michigan. I've read negative things about ND fans and they say it's not the Alums it's the subways like me that are insufferable. Although when opponents fans come to ND for a game they almost universally leave saying what nice fans we are....go figure.
I don't know if that's true for all fan bases. I think a lot of it is generated by great things that happened many years ago.... creating a feeling of superiority that is passed down through generations..... which creates a sense of permanent entitlement. I can tell you that Michigan State fans don't have that sense of entitlement but neither are they apt at present to put up with any superiority B/S from a Michigan fan....and with good reason obviously.
Tortured??? Really??? This list doesn't even have facts straight much less opinion. They failed to mention the recipient of the first ever recipient of the BCS National Championship: Tennessee Volunteers! Tennessee should have been #1 on this list for the Lame Kitten fiasco and USC should have topped the "Self Abuse" list for relieving us of our hemorrhoids. :wink: