What are the negatives? The biggest positives are that he knows offense and he can save the great recruiting class McElwain was assembling.
Doesn't he have a carry over NCAA penalty that is waiting for him should he return to college? He was busted at Oregon right as he left for the NFL.
Corey, here is a link from 2013 about Oregon, Kelly and the NCAA. From the way I read it the show cause to hire him expired in 2016. Also the NCAA said Kelly did not know about the infractions but should have. From the way I read it he can be hired. http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap1000000214880/article/chip-kellyera-violations-at-oregon-punished-by-ncaa
Ahh okay, I read that the same way you do. Chip might have been a bit sketchy in Oregon but the great thing about the Florida job is that you don't have to worry about finding talent, or getting it to come to your school. He would be a big time hire, but I wonder if your current personnel would fit into what he likes to do. He's a system guy for sure.
Corey, I imagine that we would have enough to fit his system and he would have no trouble finding more. Not a done deal in my opinion but I am hoping that it is either Kelly or Frost. However there are some other good candidates out there also.
Certainly would be an interesting hire. I've see talk that he does not want to come back to college football. But then there does not seem to be anybody in the NFL interested in him either.
College is a pain. There's a lot of baby sitting involved. Kelly can flat out recruit though. I wonder if he'd have much luck finding a DC to take the job because his system is really hard on the defense.
Some Gator posters seem to think Kelly is not a great recruiter. Go figure. Gator fans have gone wild on this. I am not sure its true, but if so it should happen this week. As far as a DC, I don't doubt that he would be able to get a good one. People like to be associated with a winner. Stoops coming to Florida with Spurrier is a great example and it lead to Oklahoma for him.
You know my feelings on that. It's impossible to babysit the unique criminals, potsmokers ( heaven forbid!) and pseudo supplement users that seem strangley to gravitate only to the evil University of Florida. The next coach at UF is begging for more of the same. An out of control criminal program in which he will not have use of half of his players. Somehow all the nice law abiding inner city South Florida brothas wind up at places like Miami.... The U.... :wink: :shock: Of course the Miami PD has nothing better to do in a city as crime ridden as Miami but commit a ton of resources to the Miami campus and see what these little angels might be up to.....
Miami, in fact, was the No. 1 FBS football program last year in the NCAA’s community service competition. Players are required to put in hours in the offseason visiting parks, schools and places of charity. We are quickly becoming a representation of our coach and the character he brings...Or maybe we didn't want players who couldn't live up to higher standards..
I know every Gator I speak with has an opinion but there is a strong contingent that would really like Dan Mullen as coach. Ex Gator with strong ties to the university and lots of experience recruiting Florida high schools. If Chip Kelly becomes coach I would think he would keep keep seasoned recruiters in place with their own ties to Florida schools..Either way I wish the Gators the best, hurry up though we play you 2019..
Given the Aaron Hernandez situation maybe the Gainesville police weren't being vigilant enough with the Fla football players. From what I read he was a thug and a criminal when he was at UF. Things had gotten out of hand with Texas players in Austin and Charlie Strong had to clean up a mess with a bunch of entitled babies and it really set him back esp the first season when he cleaned house of players who weren't interested in going to class, not partying with weed, and other stuff. Maybe that is what is needed in Gainesville. Your feeling that other colleges have local police that ignore players who are doing things that get you in trouble. But that's not true. You had an unusual group who decided credit card fraud is ok and for some reason you think it isn't a big deal either. Maybe you think it's not a big deal only if it's Gator football players, and would be for coming down hard on a group of regular citizens who engaged in the same thing.
Well today Kelly is not looking like a slam dunk. Rec, I am a bit surprised that a lot of Gator fans you know want Mullen, most of the ones I know do not. However seems like the Kelly rumor is a bit premature. I would say this, that since he is not a Head Coach at the moment if we don't sign him this week then we are likely going another direction. My choice would be Frost. Something else I did hear is that some of the big boosters what Charlie Strong. I like Charlie a lot, but am not sure this would be the best time for him to come to Florida. Anyway, waiting, waiting, waiting.
Terry of course it's a big deal... and regular citizens as well as football players don't and shouldn't get away with it. In this case the penalty is paid not only by the individuals involved but essentially by all of their innocent teammates, a legion of millions of fans and by the head coach. It's a pretty severe penalty for a one time first time offense and if we all have to pay such a price.... one lost football season.... it pisses me off to think the same standards and penalties just might not be applied everywhere as fairly and evenly as it should be. You're kidding yourself if you think things aren't going on elsewhere that are somehow escaping such scrutiny and penalty. Not everywhere all the time mind you.... but in some places some of the time.
I think this is the crux of MCG's problem. The police arrested these players and ruined his college football experience. How dare the police make the millions of fans endure "one lost football season". :cry:
Meanwhile Kp in places like Tuscaloosa and Auburn where football is like a religion you have nothing but the finest of upstanding young men in your football programs.... leaving the scum to play in places like Gainesville. It's amazing that Saban has such insight into the moral fiber of these 18 year old teenagers who basically have identical backgrounds as the teenagers at Florida. :lol: :shock:
You've heard of the Fulmer Cup right, it has some point system for transgressions by football players. Here are the 2016 standings. FULMER CUP STANDINGS 2016 Fulmer Cup Standings – 2016 (1) Colorado 68 Pac-12 (2)t Georgia 30 SEC (2)t Notre Dame 30 Ind. (4) Kentucky 19 SEC (5) Chattanooga 18 SoCon (6)t Alabama 16 SEC (6)t Florida 16 SEC (8) Hawai’i 15 MWC (9)t Kansas 14 Big 12 (9)t Youngstown State 14 Missouri Valley So apparently football players get in trouble as much or more in other places than Gainesville.