You OK there in Indiana? We are having some really bad weather here in Western North Carolina. I hope Tornado's don't like it in the mountains.
Bill, the storm devastation happened in southern Indiana, closer to Louisville, about 80-90 miles south of Indiananpolis. My son-in-law is with the Indiana Excise Police (enforcing the state alcohol laws). Last night, rather than do their normal work, they went down to Henryville, about 20 miles north of the Ohio River, where the worst of the storms had hit. There were several fatalities and, as he told my daughter, unimaginable devastation. He and his associates pitched in during the night to do all they could to help. Thanks for your concern.
Sid, Glad you're OK! Can your son in law send me a Friend of the IEP card for my next tailgate extravaganza at ND?
We have watched The Weather Channel and see where Indiana was hit hard. Murphy and Andrews NC got hit. I am not sure how severe but apparently there is a state of emergency. I don't think any fatalities. Those places are about 50 miles from us, and some funnel clouds were seen in Macon County, where Franklin is, and there was hail and high winds. But to the best of my knowledge no serious damage. This picture was taken from the WalMart parking lot in Franklin, which is very close to our bowling alley and a Ford Dealer. I don't think it touched down. That's about 10 miles from us.
For Christmas my son-in-law gave me a box of "Friend of the IEP" cards, which I intend to make available to my closest ND, Purdue, and IU friends for only $50 a game. However, Godfather, if it will move you to forgive me for my past transgressions, I will give you a card at no charge.
I appreciate the gesture but you should hand them out to people who live there and could use them. And if I accepted one I would have to get a new tag line.....
:lol: Ok have you guys been watching the godfather saga on TV..Joco grading papers has it on .... Sid and Bill glad you are safe Corey and Carson had some pretty bad weather inNorthern Alabama too... just hate to see those red triangles over them ...Glad you are all safe....
I have been watching the Godfather Saga for two days now. I feel like I've been made all over again. One revelation I have had is how much Sid looks like Moe Green. My advice is to avoid massages.
In my worst moments, I would not treat the family with the disrespect shown by Moe Green. He deserved what he got. :twisted:
:shock: I was amazed at this Godfather presentation. They presented the scenes in chronological order and included a lot of things that had previously been cut from the original movies. For example: The scene in Vito's office where he supports Michael as the new Godfather and informs Tom that he's out of the top jobs and back to his role as the family lawyer. They continue that scene as the actors walk to the backyard and Vito says, "Well, I see you've found your Luca Brasi." He was refering to very quiet, cold-eyed Al Neri, who was indeed Michael's personal enforcer, just as Brasi had been for Vito. There were a lot of wonderful small additions that had previously been cut from the story just like that one and I'm glad to see them restored. There were probably more than 50 of them, although I wasn't counting. Great stuff!
Al Neri Richard Bright as Al Neri preparing for the hit on Emilio Barzini in The Godfather. Some background on Neri's character, Neri was a police officer renowned for his brutality. After he beat a youth by smashing him over the head with his large flashlight, he was inprisoned. But Pete Clemenza took notice, and freed him, training him as a succesor to Luca Brasi.
I didn't recall the scenes where Vito returns to Sicily and kills the two henchmen who killed his mother and tried to find him in the local town. I recalled him killing their boss.
:lol: :lol: :lol: OMG you were all watching .... Are your wives ready to give you all a " deal you cant refuse....." :wink:
Good one, Gip. I had never seen those scenes either. I also hadn't seen Michael's revenge on the bodyguard who betrayed him by blowing up a car bomb that killed his first wife in Sicily. Michael got him with a car bomb of his own...
Tom...I'm not sure of the name of the school. It's on Learning Drive just off Old Harding Pike in the Bellevue area.