Can it hurt? Actually it can. Criminals will not turn in their guns. This will lead to more unarmed people for the criminals to prey upon.
:evil: The more Guns that are hanging around, the more the temptation for "good " people to turn "bad" :!: :!:
Oh holy hell Jif.... If there are more naked men in the locker room, are you more likely to turn gay? Jeeez Louise.......
Using your logic, if there are enough bananas you will have to touch them. You won't be able to help yourself.
So <t>This Saturday I will be purchasing a new 9MM now that I have located a store that actually sells shells. <br/> <br/> Nice !! In your left ear Hussein.</t>
:lol: where in the heck have you all been Los angeles has been buying guns back for years...... tha gang bangers bring in the guns for gift cards use to be money but we seem to be a little short of that lately .... now it is Target Walmart for food gift gards..... Dont worry though the ganbangers just steal them back,,, this isnt anything new
Where was this photos taken <r><IMG src=""><s></e></IMG><br/> <br/> Believe it or not, this gentleman with an assault rifle is at an Obama public appearance in Phoenix. <br/> <br/> I am not choosing sides here but I find this INCREDIBLE. Here's the whole story....<br/> <br/> <URL url=""><s></s><LINK_TEXT text="http://www.cnn...obama.protest.rifle/index.html</LINK_TEXT><e></e></URL></r>
George, Even I consider this guy an idiot. Yes, Arizona is an open carry state. Yes, I understand the supposed message about "keep the government out of my rights". But to openly challenge the issue in a way that can easily be determined as a threat to the president is ludicrous. If I were there, you better believe that I would most likely be armed. Not in the way this idiot was armed. It is my belief that there is a tactical advantage to the bad guy not knowing I am armed. This guy lost all tactical advantage for being armed when he arrived this way. Bad choice. Probably good intentions. But very bad choice.
Lou Dobbs held a brief debate last night between a guy associated with the NRA and Paul Helmke Ex. Dir. of the Brady group. I've known Paul personally for many years. He is from Ft. Wayne. It probably would surprise my conservative friends to know that he is a Republican. He is a former mayor of Ft. Wayne. The topic of the debate was the guy shown in George's post above. Even the NRA guy thought it was not a smart thing to do. Of course, the conversation turned to philosophical differences, but the two sides agreed on that one issue. Tom, what do you think of Tennessee's vote to allow concealed weapons in bars and restaurants? I can see both sides of the issue. The report I saw last night included a young lady who is licensed to carry who was without her weapon when her husband was shot to death by someone robbing a restaurant or bar. It's sad and too bad that she was unarmed. On the other side a restaurant/bar owner is leading the effort to repeal the law because of what he says is the danger of mixing guns and alcohol.