www.marketwatch.com/story/business-spending-drop-limits-us-growth-to-22-2012-04-27 Consistent with the findings of the Stanford researchers and missing business investment discussion on another topic, the impact on the economy is significant and will continue weigh down prospects for economic growth. All the while, this administration wages war on those that invest, create jobs and employ people, and penalizes and demagogues success and continually seeks new ways to redistribute the fruits of their labors and expand the role of government intervention in our lives to new and dangerous levels.
If it was soley that group alone.......we wouldn't be where we are today. It's all of the bad actors who also slither into that group that have caused/contributed to our economic troubles and his "war".
There are "bad actors"in EVERY "group", shall we wage war on them all? Do you really and truly believe that there are no "bad actors" in the groups that he has chosen to reward with the confiscated wealth earned by others?
Obama trails Romney by about six points with Independents and is in a dead heat with college age kids. Either one of those numbers spells doom for him. He leads with women by about 7 points which is inexplicable to me. If Romney's wife can cut into that its all good.
In this election it's not so much for me that I support Obama.....I just am wary....in some cases....and terrified in others about who and what is behind Romney. If he was his own guy....and could forge his own path as a true moderate that would be quite different. But that far right....ultra conservative Rush Limbaugh radicalism is a powerful force on the right.....and I hate those guys with my every fiber.
Understood. Do you have the same feeling about the ultra liberal left that has been ruling our country for the past 3+ years? If not, why not?
Yes.....but it's hogwash....er brainwash to think those idiots are running the country. It's that kind of polispeak paranoia that scares me about the right. Probably had the same kind of radical paranoia going on in Nazi Germany in the 30s and we know how that turned out.
With a GOP controlled Congress you really think the far left runs this country? That's the paranoia I'm talking about. For conservatives there is no middle ground......it's either hard right or it's radically left.
:idea: The GOP doesn't control the Congress. It only controls the House of Representatives and only that since January, 2011...
Actual NPR Headline… Possible future NPR headlines: “Is stepping into oncoming traffic bad for you?” “Will burning money make you richer?” “Is skydiving without a parachute a bad idea?
Yesterday the GAO reaffirmed that our national debt exceeds our GDP by somewhere in the neighborhood of $100 billion. It also disclosed that in the last full month of March 2012 our debt rose at 2.3% while GDP rose at 2.2%. Now I am not an economist but it occurs to me that as a nation we are bankrupt. It also seems reasonable that our debt will continue to grow faster than GDP if we continue down the same path we are on. It is unconscionable to me that anyone could consider voting for this President again. Or for the vast majority of this Congress. It's not about party politics anymore.... its about survival.
This is where the propagandists on the left have gotten us....many of this country's founding philosophies are now considered "radical". Tell me my Gator friend, how do you feel about Washington, Jefferson, Adams, Madison, Hamilton, et al? Do you also "hate those guys" with your every fiber? How did we get here? What has happened to our country?
So are you drawing comparisons between the GOP leaders of today and those venerable patriots you listed? Really? That's as preposterous as saying Obama's leadership is akin to communism....which is equally absurd by the way. Spewing out these far fetched conclusions and having the voting base believe them to the hilt is one of the extremists characteristics that scares me about the far right. Like I said before....much of the same was probably true about the Nazi movement because I am sure that rationally thinking Germans did not want the Jews gassed but a mass hysteria about the Jews must have been in place. That's how the GOP views liberals.....they have a mass hysteria about it and believe anything they want to believe and that's dangerous.
Hey George.....I don't want the GOP eliminated....we need a balanced government in all phases. That's the difference between me and the far right and it's a big one. I think the right would like a totalitarian right wing government running the whole show unimpeded. If that ever happened then the 99% should invest in the company that makes KY Jelly because they'll need it.
As expected.....the fundamental principles that guided the birth of this country and framed by Founding Fathers are now viewed as "radical right". That is just a fact....either you are ignoring the point, which I suspect, or you need to brush up on your history. The basic views on personal freedoms and property rights, self-determination and limited government were at the core of this nation and responsible for the rise of the world's greatest nation state. The beliefs of the GOP in that regard are vastly closer to the ideals of our forefathers than socialist, confiscatory and redistribution views of the lib/dems. So the question is again quite simply, do you also hate with every fiber those views of the right that were first put forth by our Founding Fathers?
Bill Maher, Obama's No. 1 donor at $1,000,000 took the low road again on his show last night and called Mormonism a cult and ********. No repudiation from Obama so he must feel the same way too.