I have had Dish Network ever sense building my house here in Franklin. No complaints. But my package of local channels includes WSPA out of Greenville SC in my local package of local channels. So WSPA and DISH are in dispute over $$$$ and I can no longer access them, meaning no CBS meaning no Florida - LSU game for us Sat. I have called and called and asked why they cannot give me another CBS channel as I am sure they have lots of them they televise. I was told that the FCC determines the viewing area. Go figure, two states away is my local CBS Channel. They finally offered me $5 off for 6 months and I told them I wanted the game. After being transferred several times and still being told that they could not give me another CBS channel they then offered $10 per month off for a year, I declined and kept pushing for a channel. Finally I gave up and just said give me a $15 discount for a year and they did. I was a bit surprised. So $180 for not being able to watch the Gator game. I would still prefer the game but at least it's a little silver lining to the cloud.
Bill. Check CBS Sportsline. I watched part of the Tennessee vs Georgia game on my iPhone while helping friends move. It was great and FREE. You may be able to get the UF game on your computer.
Tom and Corey, I am looking into both. I don't think I will find a sports bar here that will carry the Gator Game but I am looking. The Sportsline sounds like a better option.
Seems like there are an increasing number of disputes with the cable/satelite providers. I can't watch Rocket or Astros game because of a $$ dispute between Directv and Comcast Sports Network. Longhorn Network also not on Directv, but it's slowly working things out. It's on UVerse and I think Time Warner now.
So right Terry. What bugs me is that before this channel went off the air they advertised that I could get an antenna and get it free. But then they want, according to DISH, a 400% increase. If they can provide it free to people with an antenna then why do I have to pay for their @$#!~@#$ channel?
Bill, I am pretty sure that you will be able to see the game here: http://www.cbssports.com/collegefootball/gametracker/preview/NCAAF_20131012_FLA@LSU If that link does not take you to the game, go to this one and find the Florida/LSU listing http://www.cbssports.com/collegefootball/scoreboard/FBS/2013/week7
I think Tom has you pointed in the right direction.. Sidenote: Satellite is a ripoff. Additional, last second sidenote: Cajuns are everywhere. Ergo, sportsbars are everywhere. I promise you, there's a sportsbar in your area carrying the game.
I have hooked my computer to the tv and tested it. If I can truly get the game live on Sportsline then I will be able to watch. Corey, cable tv may be a ripoff, but if I didn't have satellite tv here in the mountains I wouldn't have tv. I wish I had something better but it is what it is. MCG I'll go look.
Right now I'm in Toronto. There's no ESPN. Of the 5 "sports" channels I had a choice of cricket, darts, poker or auto racing. However I bought a Slingbox a few months back so I've been watching Tx-ok and MSU-ind off my home tv. Bill you need a relative in Fla with a Slingbox.
Sounds like a good idea hipper. I think I am going to be covered with Sportsline but won't know for sure until 3:30. I do have a computer connected to my tv and ready to go so wish me luck.
Bill, I've had slingbox for several years. Mine was before HD could be transmitted. It appears that the two options now have only one difference. The 350 has to be hard wired to your router. The 500 can connect wireless. If your source is not close to your network, then the 500 is your only choice at about $300. If you can connect wired, then the 350 at $150 is the better option.
I have Hopper and think it might come with that? I need to check. It wouldn't do me any good today though.
I think the thought was to have you place it in a relative's house in Florida so that you could watch off of their feed.
I know Tom but I was also thinking about the future when I do have the local channel back. I was able to get the game on Sportsline today but whether it's my service or something else I missed part of the game. Including the last couple of minutes of each half. It beat not having anything though. Next week our game is the noon game on the SEC network and I will be able to get that. Then we will be attending all the rest of the games except S. Carolina. Hopefully by then it is settled.