Our 50th Anniversary. Lot's of family and old friends are in town and we are looking to a big day. Jeanne has been working on this for sometime and keeping me busy too. That's the biggest reason I have been a little scarce. All have a great day, we are going to.
Wishing you two the most wonderful day.... Happy Anniversary and too many many more years of wedded bliss. Enjoy take pix.... <3
Congratulations to you both Bill. We celebrated out 50th wedding anniversary last July. Many couples do not seem to make it to the Golden Anniversary for a variety of reasons. We are the fortunate ones.
Just got back from cardio exercises... 124+ mph runs through the hill country gets my heart to pumpin hard! 8) Congrats Bill and Jeanne
We are back home but still have some family and friends with us at our house. I won't get anything done with the pictures until the weekend but will then put some on Facebook and my wifes blog. Thanks for all the thoughts and enjoy the rest of your weekend.
Jeanne has posted a lot of pictures on her Blog Backyard Neighbor. We had a great time. BackyardNeighbor
went to Jeannes blog saw the pix what a wonderful day. and what a beautiful family you have. Congrats to you both