The pre-bowl 'Hatin-Ass Spurrier' article is here to even all that out... my favorites? (KP feel free to use a few of these around the holidays) -Auburn-FSU is gonna tear apart more panhandle families than Maury Povich. -The last time this many broke white people hit the road for Southern California Rose of Sharon ended up breastfeeding a hobo in a barn. -You couldn't fit more white trash in a bowl by stuffing Death Valley to the brim with styrofoam. -"But I was paying my inner child support" ain't gonna convince the judge, y'all. But it will help you pay for game tickets, FSU fans. -This is gonna be the first time most Auburn fans have seen roses outside of a conjugal visit. -I recommend Auburn fans stay away from The Price Is Right, since they're guaranteed to overbid. $180,000 for a juco dinette set? -The Iron Bowl isn't a real tax-exempt bowl game, so stop saying you were "born again" there, Auburn fans. You still gotta pay your taxes no matter what that crayon-illustrated passport you got there says. -The biggest miracle Gus Malzahn pulled off this year is making Jay Jacobs look competent.
I sincerely hope KP is jotting these down. He's got a really tough road ahead. I know I've said more than my piece about Bama fans, but I cannot emphasize enough that the other half of their fan base is fantastic. Auburn is per capita and on the average more crazy.
The problem is that the Auburn fans will bring up the fact that in all games between Alabama and Auburn between 1982 and 1985 when the temperature was above 47.5 degrees and Auburn had won more than 4 games and the president's name started with a R, they were 11 and 0. Look it up! :roll:
haha so true. You'd think with such an eye for detail and commitment to congruent formulas, they would have gotten into Alabama instead.
haha one would think so, but that only was part of the formula. I found she blends in with the crazy a bit better there.