The principle of massive government interventioin notwithstanding, it's becoming more clear every day that the TARP fundings will actually turn out to be a moneymaking proposition for the Treasury. It would be nice to believe that all the government's capital injections/investments will be as profitable, but those prospects are uncertain at best..... The ability for the banks to raise billions in new capital in the private sector is a very good sign for this economy. In this country, you can not have a healthy, growing economy bringing new jobs and prosperity to Main St without a strong and vibrant banking system. Love 'em or hate 'em, this country cannot prosper without them healthy, growing and, yes, profitable.
Did you hear Secy. Geitner interviewed by Charlie Rose? He indicated that they are trying to stop the next BOOM. Is that like saying that you hope prosperity "fails?"
Think about it's damn tough to wage a populist war successfully during a period of widespread prosperity.