We buy everything on Amazon and have it delivered. I'm also an Amazon share holder... For Christmas, my granddaughter and her husband bought Mrs. JO'Co and I one of those camera systems that watches your front porch. It also sends alarms to your cell phone and every member of the family (with a cell phone) can observe the intruder and record what they're doing. This system was installed about a week ago and it recorded our first intruder, looking to steal Christmas presents, about an hour ago. This despite the fact, that we live across the street from a deputy sheriff who has a huge flag in front of his house which says, "Blue Lives Matter." You might want to install one of these systems...
Did you chase him off or call 911? This is the exact moment God created rock salt and the 12 g pump for .
I think there is an audio system attached with that, right? I would have shooed them out of there ASAP. Did they manage to grab anything? It really is only going to take a minor tweak by scumbags to simply wear a mask when they do this stuff. Weren't you guys home then?
I’m sorry to hear this for you and Mrs. JO’Co, I have a similar camera at our gate at work and enjoy the voice option and the shock it brings to those who shouldn’t be there... https://www.cnbc.com/2017/11/21/package-theft-is-a-big-risk-especially-during-the-holiday-shopping-season.html
:shock: :!: I found out this morning that we had a SECOND intruder last night! Around midnight, a neighbor across the street saw a man dressed all in black in our driveway. He was in between the five cars there doing something. The neighbor yelled at him and he ran next door, where he was confronted by Doof, the giant, killer, guard dog, so he kept running west down the street... Today we installed a second sensor system with spotlights, sirens, alarms etc. which will guard the driveway. This is a good neighborhood. What the hell happens in Victorville?
:idea: BTW- the porch camera shows a woman walking up near the front door. She checks out the boxes there and reads the note. She sees that these are empty boxes and the note is a thank you note, with a bottle of water, for the delivery men that was left by my granddaughter. The lady leaves and a few seconds later you see a large, white pickup truck go by in the background after turning around at the end of the cul-de-sac. It must have picked her up, because my other granddaughter arrived home from work just a few minutes later and didn't see anyone on the sidewalk. She works at a gun store, so we are about to go nuclear around here... We reported all of this and turned over a copy of the video to the police this morning...
Wow! Sorry to hear about your troubles JO'Co... Glad you guys had a system in place to deal with it. I also order a LOT of stuff from Amazon... and I do not have a camera, although I should. However, I have the next best thing: A few retired neighbors who watch EVERYTHING... They don't hesitate to call in the cavalry on any car loitering on our street if they don't recognize it. I have one button that will turn on my rage - stealing. I pity the fool who is on my porch stealing from me when I get there. (Trigger warning Dave, turn away!) I would shoot first and ask questions later if you're stealing from my property. :x
one of these days, someone is gonna shoot one of these robbers and the property owner will get found guilty of premeditated murder.. Why not dig a pit of misery?
I agree with Corey. Shooting a perpetrator whose back is turned and is running away is a chargeable offense, based on what I've read over the years. Here's a more effective (and fun) deterrent. Check out the videos: https://www.wthr.com/article/man-creates-booby-trapped-decoy-packages-to-keep-away-porch-pirates
True story. My dad came home from WWII , married and got busy trying to create me. It took them almost seven years so when I arrived, I was a BIG DEAL. He bought a little Cape Cod in Dayton, Ohio for $8,000. He worked second shift at NCR. My mom used to give me a bath in the kitchen sink. Some Peeping Tom started coming by regularly and scaring the hell out of her. So my Dad took off work and set up a bivouac in the bushes out back. Sure enough, the guy shows up again and my old man tells him to get on the ground. Instead the perv bolts down the ally. My dad is on him pretty quick, drops to one knee, sights him in and shoots him in the ass with #6 bird shot from his 16g shot gun. The cops come , pat my old man on the back and haul the guy off to the hospital. Things were different back then.
Eeaahhh!! #6 bird shot is a bad bitch and I’ve killed many a dove in windy conditions because it has no problem pushing through the wind....Good for Dad and lesson learned...
Well it is a chargeable offense if you leave him on the porch. Of course by the time the law arrives he'll be in my house and armed with a large kitchen knife. 8)
My father shared a story with me as a rookie as a policeman in Miami. He was assigned as a partner to Artie Berns who had been on the Miami police department since 1934, two years after my Dad was born. Artie had seen it and done it all and was on the verge of retirement. One night my Father and Artie were working and knew that a peeping Tom had been seen in the area. As they drove the neighborhoods they happened to spot a young man peeping in the window of a house. Artie pulled over down the road and walked back to the trunk of the squad car. Dad said Artie pulled out something in between a polo club and a baseball bat that had 5 foot of wood. Dad said they walked up to the neighboring house and looked around the corner, sure enough this guy was in the pure act of getting it on with himself as he peeked in the window. Artie carrying his wooden bat snuck around behind the guy who at this time had his pants around his ankles as he was polishing his monkey... Artie reared back and delivered a swing that would have made Ted Williams envious onto to the backside of this guy and lifted him up almost through the window he was peeping thru...He then rolled the perpetrator over and told him if he ever saw his sorry ass around here again he would be sorry... My Dad said he learned some amazing lessons from the old timers before him...
:idea: :arrow: There's a "community watch" feature on these camera systems that allows people to share their videos and observations with each other, as well as the police. Some people about a mile away reported two men dressed in black trying the doors on cars in the driveways. This sounds like the prowler who was chased away by our neighbors a few nights ago. Yesterday, the police made an arrest of two guys dressed in black who were caught doing exactly that...
damn it.. Someone let JOCO read the manual and now we're going to have an anti-crime syndicate being run by a group of retired people in the high desert. This should be fun to watch.