Had a great time on our cruise and glad I didn't have access to our game, I would have been dying. Never thought we would lose to Ga Southern, but life is what it is. I have to say though that being on a Disney Cruise and the show Sat night beat being in Gainesville and seeing that game.
Bill, Glad to hear you had an enjoyable time. Football is meant to be enjoyable, but there are more important things in life like family!
You bet Don. Of course you would never know that reading some of the rabid keyboard jockey's on the internet. But we had a great time. One a side note the other daughter we have season tickets with took all 6 tickets this week. Her son, our grandson of course, is in the Gator Band and she gave the other four tickets to some other people in Jacksonville who's kids are also in the band. Any way she is a rabid football fan but went with the mindset she was going to enjoy Gainesville, her son and in general the environment. She came home very happy. I think a lot of our fans could learn from this but many of them just don't understand the concept that football isn't their life.
Went to the Vandy loss with my son, his GF and my niece who goes to UM and her uncle from the Detroit area who is family and friend. Had a blast.... a very fun day. The loss was secondary.... mostly because the season was on the edge of being in tatters anyway and the "He Went To Jared Bowl" just didn't seem all that exciting anyway :lol: