Very interesting. How was this girl in the locker room? She had to be a member of the traveling party, probably as student trainer. So she had to know most of the players if not all of them. As always there is a tendancy to believe the girl, after all why would she cry rape or any level of sexual assault if it didn't occur. Of course that's exactly what happend in the Duke Lacrosse deal, the woman (stripper) involved was pissed at the guys and decided to get back at them by making accusations. I don't know what happened ultimately to her, but several Duke Lacrosse players were hurt terribly by the accusations not only losing their scholarships and their Duke degree but for a while before the truth came out they were branded rapist. I just hope the truth comes out, and if she's lying that there are consequences for her as well, if not I hope she feels that they system delivered justice.
Terry, she texted him while he was in the locker room at Tennessee. She most likely was in Gainesville when she sent the text(s). At least, that's how I read it.
OK that makes sense Sid, still if she texted him she had to have his phone number and so as the attny said there was a prior relationship.
I think she is an athlete at Florida and truthfully I don't really want to know who she is. I think that if you look at this as only a black and white situation then he's either no question quilty or on the other side she is lying. II prefer to think there might be a big grey area where they may both feel they are right. I still hope that this gets resolved and both can remain at UF. That may be ridiculous on my part but I just don't want to see either life ruined at this point.
Those texts are a key because they usually tell a clear picture of intent. I suspect since she initiated the meeting and since she is categorized as the aggressor that she didn't text Treon up and say let's meet up for coffee.....that's all I'm saying.
we just come from different generations. First of all, it's interesting to me that the player's lawyer jumps out to the media to cast the lady as a slut. Was her previous encounter with another individual relevant? Absolutely not. I am sure people read that and say 'ohhhh harlot!' Let me ask you this.. why didn't she say the other guy raped her? It's a passive aggressive attempt to paint her character in a less than flattering light. This is all going to boil down to a he said, she said and probably not much comes of it in the end. This isn't hard, or it shouldn't be. If you want to stop rape, then teach boys that rape is always wrong. If she's dressed all wild with her boobs hanging out, it's still not your titty to touch. If she texts you and says 'come over and let's bang' but then says 'nah' when you get there, you tuck tail (literally) and head out. If at any point in time she says stop, you stop. There's no entitlement to her body because of your gender or situation. Keep in mind, one of my very good friends had his entire life destroyed by a false rape accusation. I'm not talking out of my ass on this. I take rape and sexual assault claims very seriously. In a perfect world, we would have dual accountability. If you can prove the claim is false (not simply that you can't prove the rape) than I do believe criminal charges should be brought against those who abuse the system. Anytime I see the 'attack the victim' ploy taken out in the media, I get real curious as to why that action was taken.
Bingo on that one! I once began to date a cute girl in Jacksonville when I was in college ( she went on to become a TV reporter there ) and when my parents went out of town for a couple of nights she agreed to come over. One thing of course led to another and when we were about to commit the deed she started softly saying no.... almost imperceptible but enough that I had to jar to my senses and come to a screeching halt. Perplexed I took her home and went to work the next day wondering what in the hell had happened and thanking myself for picking up on and acting upon the word no. That afternoon she calls me at work ( no cell phones in those days ) and announces that she wants to go over to my parent's house again that night. Still perplexed as to her intent I agreed and we went there and sat on the couch. After a few minutes she stands up grabs my hand and leads me to the bedroom. Needless to say that was a really fun summer! The moral of the story is that sometimes these young girls have no idea what they really want but when they say no..... you had better listen.
The accuser has now withdrawn her claim.
So let's see if I've got this right, when the school bars him from campus the school makes a public statement (look at us and how we handle sexual assault claims) but if the student has his ban lifted they can't comment because of privacy issues. WTF! So tomorrow we see UF attack LSU without the guy who inspired the win over Tenn. I gave you my story of mysterious sexual confusion which I am also quite certain happens everyday on a college campus. And yet.... while the girl at FSU never retracted her position about Winston the girl at Florida has about Treon. And really..... I explain above it's a confusing excited moment that is only always right if the girl really means no and the boy hears and reacts to that immediately. Once that NO statement is taken out of the equation the rest is all hearsay and conjecture...... not to mention self-serving promotion possibly by a sinister misguided "victim"
I guess I wonder why there was mention that she declined to press charges at this time but retains the right to do so in the future??? What does that mean?
It means that the school is trying to cover its ass after throwing the kid off campus based only on an unsubstantiated allegation by the "victim." Just as in the Duke lacrosse case GUILTY UNTIL PROVEN INNOCENT. It's clear from the investigation done by Harris' attorney that the only witness had zero credibility. The odds that anything further will come of this are almost zero but the school want to leave the impression that it might not be over. Harris is a casualty of the Ray Rice video.
And sometimes there is more to the story than what comes out on Yahoo on the first day. Another illustration of why we need to wait for the story to flesh out.
I think both tipper and Corey make some good points. As to Corey's comments about why his attorney released the statement, I can't say for sure. However people familiar with this attorney have said it was very unusual for him to make such a strong statement. I think that it had to do with the texts, and the fact that Harris was suspended from campus as well as the team. It appears to me he was making the strength of his case clear and attempting to head off the indictment and get his client back on campus, in class and back on the team. I have a daughter at UF that we will see later today with along with her mom and dad. We are staying at their house this week. My daughter, who has the daughter there now, asked the question "Whatever happened to guilty until proven innocent?" I will continue with the my feelings that it is best for both these young people to be able to move on with their lives.
I actually like the way Florida handled this by getting out in front. Reading up on some of the stuff today has me scratching my head, but we'll see how this plays out. To me, it all gets down to 'why are they there?' Personally, I think it's more important to set the kid aside and find out what the hell happened when you're dealing with serious allegations such as this. At the same time, the law does provide for avenues to prosecute false accusers. We should utilize that. Anyway, it gets to the heart of the matter, 'are these players students first or football players first?' If you look at how they are treated in times like these, it's pretty clear that once again they are different. BTW, the Winston case is fast becoming 'the example' of how university should not handle such an accusation. When the Department of Education has to get involved to make you do your ******* job... you are losing out there. When the Federal government has to get involved to protect the rights of the individual people because, as a society, you're so out of control, the problem is bigger than we all realize. Anyway, I just wanted to say that I thought Florida handled this right. I gotta diaper to get after.
Thanks Corey. Hey the diaper thing, I guess you know that the only way some of us handled diapers at your age were when we were grandparents and baby sitting. Any how enjoy it as it only last a few years then they are out and on their own. By the way in looking at your Facebook page I have to say she is really cute.