First I've been buying beer, food, and plates this am. Second I had to buy a chair. Third I have to wait until Commish gets off the course. I've seen hundreds of ND fansand about a half dozen Bama fans. I'm sure there are thousands without tickets. I stopped by a pub named McGuires last evening and it was full of Irish fans. Had to leave to chow down at Ruth's Chris. (Damn dad always gets the check) its been raining all day here in Lauderdale but some places around here are dry. Hope weather is OK at game time. Wish you guys were here....maybe you could help with the tabs. I'll try yo check in later. Mike
Brian is staying with a classmate/close friend in a 1,200 sf suite at the Ritz-Carlton.....for free. He sure lives right. He sat with Coach Holtz yesterday during the Coach's chalk talk. At one point, Lou handed him the mic to explain the Lou's Lads foundation to the live and radio audience. He received many compliments afterward. He doesn't have a ticket, but several possibilities may or may not come to fruition today. He said the market has "softened" down to around $500. If he doesn't get one, he will watch the game with his classmates/close friends. He's having a ball. Good for him.
I had absolutely no question that Gip knew what time the gates opened. Mike, as usual, it sounds like you've got this issue handled. You guys have a great time!
I'm glad you mentioned it, I've gotten many emails from you over the years and none of them have triggered my junk filter and ended up in the junk directory. But this one did! I wonder why? :roll: Could it be the presence of the guy on the left!! :twisted: Need some more detail Gip!!
Details...details? Oh yeah, he had the spicy chicken sandwich with veggies instead of fries. I had the blackened chicken salad with iced tea. He had a diet coke. We talked about our kids. We talked about our jobs. We talked about the game last night. He asked me which Skyboxers I've met. When lunch was over hope he calles me "friend" and I call him "amigo."