Chargers playing dumb defense now. Didn't they watch the Jax game, you go with the min rush and try to cover all those recievers you are just stupid. You have to go after Brady like they did in the first couple of series.
Well it will be the New York Football Giants and Manning vs N.E. Giants looked to me to have the stronger defense to give them a prayer vs the Evil Empire :twisted: Man it looked cold there!
I wonder if Joel will be surprised tomorrow when he wakes up and learns the Pats will be playing the Giants.
The Giants gave the Pats all they could handle the last time they played and Eli Manning seems to have raised his game to another level. This could be a good game.
You think Joel went to bed before the game was over? It's not like he has to get up early for work on Monday!! :wink: :wink:
I tease him, but Joel is a wise man to get his rest. His being awake will change nothing. Better that he should sleep and be well. Morning, Joel! (I love making those posts during baseball season, given their meaning.)
Good Morning! Pats game took so much out of me, I only lasted first half of JINTS game. I was predicting a Jints win all week. What a Super Bowl this is going to be in this area with so many Giants fans. :!: :!: Ricko "Better I should sleep and be well" LOL! ZEIGAZUNDT!
Terry, Maybe being outside to watch a football game when the wind chill factor registers -24 is too cold for some Texas, but it is beach weather for Wisconsin women