Sh*t.......I am afraid to go the doctor period...for any reason.... or risk job loss in this day and age of no f*cking leverage for the employee whatsoever...... I feel like we are all in the times of Screwed......I mean Scrooge.
And now you have the IRS with primary oversight over your medical care and compliance. Welcome to Obamacare, sucka! :lol:
That's so fuggin stupid. Why not take the Dr.'s info to work and prove it before the fact? That article and the media BS intent behind it is a waste of time. You might as well had Cheech and Chong do a Cameo in conjunction with it.
The whole concept is questionable even in times of good employment. Now the perceived weak link in a company is unmercifully asking for it. Welcome to America post the Great Recession.
Is this guy a greeter? A cashier? Fine, I think Walmart is in the wrong. Is he a mechanic? Operate a forklift? Tough, you can't do your job. I would expect the employer to make the effort to find the guy another assignment until he is no longer on an altering medication, as long as the employer was notified of the prescription BEFORE he failed the test. My company has a zero tolerance policy that if you test positive for a prescription drug (narcotics included) and you HAVE NOT notified them in advance of the prescription, you're gone. If you notify them ahead of time, you're good. However, along with the medical notification, the clinic determines if your impairment is a danger to you or others in your current position. If yes, then you are moved to another assignment until the prescription is rescinded. If no, then it is noted in your file and you continue with your job. Think about it, I don't want to be driving the car a high mechanic worked on, possibly forgetting to torque the lug nuts down. I don't want an anesthesiologist with a prescription for percocet overseeing my condition while I'm under. I don't want a truck driver with a prescription for medical marijuana on the same road as me. Fact is, there are drugs that impair the judgement of the individuals that need them and if they are in a position to cause a danger, they need to either not use those drugs, or be removed from that position while on that medication. As with all problems with society, the right balance and approach is out there, but if you leave it to government to dictate, you're likely not going to get it.
Excuse me if I stop you right there. My recent experiences including my current job make me feel as if all employers have a zero tolerance for any sort of health issue. Before we know it China will best us in human rights.
Mine has a zero tolerance as well with a random testing policy. I applaud that. I have no worries about the man/woman working the previous shift doing anything that puts me in jeopardy due to being high on the job. I may be in the minority here, but everyone knows where I stand on drugs... as well as alcohol.
Let me clarify...... I am not talkimg about drug abuse.....I am talking about general health issues. In my last job I called in sick maybe twice in 12 years and yet when I hurt my leg it was ultimately my undoing when the auto economy tolerance there. In my new job I haven't called in sick once since I started last June and yet I am very concerned about pursuing the health care that I know I should. Great work environment in this country today. Mean and ruthless is the only way I can describe it. What political group do we know who fits that bill? hmmmmmmm
I don't ever recall a more ruthless group of lawmakers than the Democrats in the current congress. They shut Republicans out from bill negotiations, drop over 2000 page bills in their opponents lap less than 48 hrs before a vote, hold votes at all hours and days of the week, and have the balls to blame their opponents when they can't agree among themselves. They're crooked, ruthless, and unlikable in their actions. They're on the way out.