It's getting a lot of ground and really appears to be mobilizing the younger voter group, as well as minorities, that I firmly believe were going to stay home on election day. They're pissed about it. At the same time, I don't think he was wrong in what he said, he could have used more tact though. Each side has their base and he was clearly referring to the base that will never vote for him. Everything else I've seen reported on them is disingenuous or distorted.
Now that he has said it he should campaign on it. Tell people that his #1 goal in reviving the economy is to try to help those mired in a life of welfare to once again feel the pride of self-sufficiency through training and employment, or something like that. Sure, what he said was correct. But he handled it poorly. He better grow some teeth... quickly.
Don't kid yourself. He has lost a percentage....perhaps a decisive percentage... of his voting base. Rural conservatives, Vets and seniors.....all lumped together with those on welfare. But.....that's what the GOP likes to do with Democrats. Good luck with that idiocy.
Hey....I have been saying all along that the GOP voting base is not made up of the 1%.....duh. Now Romney's comments may just drive that point home.
All these smart phones with video recorders are changing the game. An off hand remark by a candidate for the Senate from Virigina derailed his election campaign. The guy who taped it was a democratic operative assigned to follow him and try to catch him saying something. I have no doubt that who ever did this to Romney was also a democrat operative who was assigned to stay as close as possible and video and tape everything they could. It's happened to democrats as well I'm sure but the media doesn't go apeshit when it happens. Obama made a denegrating comment about rural Pa voters to a elite bunch of snobby democrats in San Francisco during his first campaign, but he weasled out of the impact aided by a press that minimized it's coverage.
So how long will this clog the news? It's certainly more newsworthy than say unemployment. AND the price of gas is going through the roof :!: Obviously, this is a resuslt of a plot by Obama and his big oil buddies. :roll:
I am still in and so now are all those democrate teachers, Dave will be suprised, they pretend real well but when it comes to the vote then we will see.... By the way Jim told me last night that tape was released By Jimmy Carters grandson. real class but then look at the family. And Dave there were nothing wrong w. the numbers. and it is true more people on welfare will vote for Obama because they like living off the government. they dont wan to lose they free living. BUT Me and a lot of other people are tired of paying their way. as for Obama comment he represents ALL the people no he doesnt he doesnt represent ME or my family. why you ask because we are white middle class most of us have our own buisnesses and we dont depend on him for anything. One other thing NO AMERICAN bows to a foreign leader.
That welfare comment Diane is what will make Romney's comment so damaging. There are Vets out there who have made supreme sacficies for their country and seniors who have worked hard and paid taxes all of their life while doing so but who also may now be in that group not paying taxes that he refers to....that 47%. AS I have said.....not everyone who isn't blinded by the right is on welfare or hopes to be on welfare.
:twisted: you want to see Welfare ... come to California. we are the refuge for all the other states trash and yes I said trash./ California has no rules for Welfare except if you are white and own a car very few whites receive any benefits here and if you would have listened more to the explanation maybe you would have learned a little more. Maybe you havent been paying attention oh I forget you only listen to CNN..... I give up will just wait untl November,,,,,,,,
Oh damn.....I guess I'll have to unpack my bags and cancel my train ticket. You know how much us Democrats just live for that welfare....ever damned last one of us.... huh.
Let's analyze this: If all welfare recipients are Democrats (vote that way to keep the cash flowing), and all Democrats are Liberals, does that mean that all Liberals are welfare recipients? No, Dave, it doesn't. And the way you meander around topics to get to your point is much like the above expression. I will say that there is some truth to your statement though. All Democrats do love their welfare. The ones that receive it and the ones that give it. They give it to enslave the group that takes it and create a perpetual voting base because of it. You watch Dave, If the welfare state continues to increase in numbers, who's going to be left paying the bill? What are your kids’ names again???
Welfare fits perfectly into the Liberal definition of Charity For a Republican, Charity is reaching into his own pocket to help someone out. For a Democrat, Charity is reaching into someone else's pocked to help someone out.
So...there you have it....point proved. Romney's almost derisive reference to the "47 %" when he was speaking to what was most likely a group of 1% ers means one thing......everyone in that room thinks those 47%....including vets and seniors......are lazy....believe in being lazy....mooching off the govenrment....etc etc.... Hilarious...... :lol: :lol: :lol: Good luck with these voters in November. Maybe I will organize a picket of the AmVets Hall or VFW with signs that read: "Mitt says quit mooching off the governement you lazy good for nothings" Or..."do something for your country for a change instead of vice versa" etc. etc.
Right now, Obama runs up $3.8 billion dollars per DAY in borrowing to run the country. And that is as good as it gets.
Mitt's message is that he's plan to reduce goverment and taxes doesn't wash with 47% who get their benefits from the government and don't pay taxes. He's right, what's in it for them? The problem with this country is that nearly half the people don't pull their weight and want the rest of the country to do it all. And they feel that somehow they're victims of Wall Street, oil companies, corporations in general, investment capital funds and of course greedy Republicans. Vets who don't have a job either want benefits forever or a job. If they vote for Mr. foodstamps and 8%+ unemployment, they've made their choice. Senior citizens who rely on Social Security and buy the Democratic ******** that the evil Republicans will take away their checks will vote for Mr. Hope and Change. The folks at the Amvets halls know who tried to negate as many military ballots as they could in past elections. They know who tries to properly fund the military and who steals from the defense budget every time they want to fund another doomed to failure social program. They know who really cares for them because of their service and not their votes.
I expect to see 90 year olds out there in the 95 degree heat cutting grass for minimum wage and paying their taxes if Romney is elected. Never mind the poor son-of-a bitch paid in to social security and federal taxes for over 50 years of his life. Jeezus......WTF? :roll: :roll:
:cry: since when is social security considered welfare/ and guess what it is taxed/ Dave I think you have a strange idea of what ssi is... My dad is on ssi but guess what he is in the 1% as are many of his compadres.... then their those of us who qualify for ssi and still will file income tax's and pay what is just that are in the middle class. My SS is money I earned and paid for not something I am receiving for free I worked and paid into it for 43 years Dave we all know you are an Obama backer but nothing will make me vote for him. He is going to send this country to war and w him in charge it isnt one we can win. He doesnt treat me or members of my family as equals why because they are successful in what they do. sorry Dave the man is a LOSER one that will never have my respect. and my respect goes with my vote. I was taught to respect all until one has done wrong and not worthy of respect I say he more than once crossed that line.
Well someone has to cut the grass and those on unemployment sure don't want to get off their asses and work.