That QB for South Florida certainly has all the physical tools. If he coaches up well, he could be a total stud. Both teams playing hard and fast. It's been a pretty good game... except for the penalties...
Good game, as you said the QB for So. Fla has some skills. On the college level that athleticism he has makes up for some other deficiencies. I hope Tony Pike didn't break his arm again.
The way I just saw nim take a snap in warm ups... it doesn't look good no matter what the x-rays show. He was catching a shotgun snap with his right hand only.
Man looking at Tony Pike in street clothes on the sideline he is one tall bean pole. I know he's 6'6" or at least that is what they say, but he couldn't be more than 190. That was a pretty good change of pace QB that Brian Kelly slipped in on South Florida. He really made some plays and Cincy went from a passing spread option team to a running Read Option team. Given what Kelly was able to do with QB's going down all around him last year and not missing a beat losing his #1 QB tonight I'd say that he's a pretty darn good coach seems to be well prepared for everything. Personally though before his injury I wasn't seeing what all the hoopla was about Tony Pike, he was ok but nothing special.
All .... <t>I know is if ND makes a coaching change at years end and for the record I will be surprised if they don't they better look real hard at Kelly.</t>
Cincinnati seemss to be on a roll. Loss of Pike did not interrupt the flow of their offense. Always nice to have two good QBs that can handle the offense. Don
Hey Don what'd you think about Palmer, James and Fowler all lobbying that Cincy and Ohio State should play every year? Personally if I were Ohio State I wouldn't want to do it, nothing to gain really. Sure play them once in awhile like you do now but not every year.
They are in the rotation, but imagine the outcry if we scheduled just one of the Ohio schools to play each and every year......Miami, BG, Toledo among others have historically been much better programs and would rightfully pitch a major b!tch.....every other time we've scheduled Cincy, we've been subject to the that people figure out they can be competitive, we're taking shots for "ducking" them.....go figure. :roll:
I wonder where Kelly would go if he finishes again with a BE Title and a BCS bowl? I don't think there are going to be a lot of openings that will be more attractive than staying where he is. SEC: No good openings ACC: No good openings B12: No good openings Pac10: No good openings