Great job Assholes.... Looting forces Philadelphia grocery chain to close stores, leaving residents with limited access to food | Fox News Looting forces Philadelphia grocery chain to close stores, leaving residents with limited access to food | Fox News
The combination of the riots and the Covid shutdown probably means a lot of big city businesses will be shutting down and never reopening. I am old enough to remember the 1967 riots in Detroit and the fact that the city never financially recovered from its aftermath.
Sad, just sad. The states leaders are weak. Those that cannot remember the past, are condemned to repeat it. How do you destroy America? You do it from within.
Gov. George W. Romney ordered the Michigan Army National Guard into Detroit to help end the disturbance. President Lyndon B. Johnson sent in the United States Army's 82nd and 101st Airborne Divisions. The result was 43 dead, 1,189 injured, over 7,200 arrests, and more than 2,000 buildings destroyed. Can you imagine that going on all across America? Hopefully this whole thing can defuse.
I've always maintained that "The People" will take matters into their own hands when they get tired of the BS. Just like the Militia elements that are alive and well in this country.
Well you can count the Secretary of Defense as a short timer: Mark Esper: Defense chief breaks with Trump on response to protests - CNNPolitics
Well as things go on I don't think Trump will be re-elected anyhow so his job is a short term one at this point. Come Jan there will be Biden's guys in that post anyway. I also don't support using the Army in this case. Nat'l Guard combined with Local is what we need to do, only bring in the Federal Troops as a last resort.
My belief; Trump was irritated by reports he was “hiding in a bunker”. I heard he was not and even if he was he has no choice. The Secret Service actually carried Dick Cheney down there when he refused to go. Trump told his staff and Secret Service earlier in the day that he was going to the church. They should have cleared it earlier and easier just like they clear everywhere the President goes. This was bungled by the Secret Service and perhaps Bill Barr.