And what he had to go through to get back on the field. Most of us thought he would never play again. Not only did he play he started most of the season. Kind of amazing. Read the whole story at Nerion Ball's Journey Back To Playing Football
Yes it is Sid. After hearing what happened to the kid I don't think any of us thought he would ever play again. I didn't think he would get cleared to play. However he went through extensive evaluations and did get cleared. He had a good year for the Gators starting most of the time and should be a starter next year. I am rooting for him as are all Gators.
Bill that is a great story. It's always so encouraging to read stories about kids who beat the odds whether it be poor background or some terrible injury. Reminds us that the vast majority of athletes are kids who are working hard to live their dream as opposed to the few who grab headlines for self centered stupid (or criminal) stuff that they do. Thanks for posting.
So true Terry. I remember the first game we attended this year and how excited I was when I realized Ball was not only in the lineup but had just made a big play.