Did you guys see her backround. She led her high school to a state championship in basketball hitting the winning foul shot in the last seconds with a broken wrist. She was runner-up in the Miss Alaska contest. She has a kid in the army and a newborn. Very productive lady.
I don't have any problem with her as the choice, I don't vote for President based on who is the Vice President. I would have personally preferred Mitt Romney but I hope that she is able to attract women who are on the fence or undecided. I assume that was the goal. Whether or not the Democrats will be able to make real hay out of her supposed inexperience I don't know, so far the Republicans haven't been able to make a lot out of Obama's inexperience.
I think this was a great choice. You know it is a great choice when you see the immediate reaction of the Democrats.
She was outstanding last night. Joe Biden probably had a few drinks last night. If he's got any sense he will be locked up preparing for his debate with her. She may have changed the dynamics of this race.
She did great and most are aknowledging that she did great. But the real test will be when she goes head to head with Biden in the debates. I'm hoping we don't have a " Senator, I served with Jack Kennedy: I knew Jack Kennedy; Jack Kennedy was a friend of mine. Senator, you're no Jack Kennedy. " moment. Of course inspite of that Bush/Quayle went on to win the election anyway!! Terry
I know Dan Quayle is/was a fellow Hoosier, but I wouldn't compare him to Ms. Palin. He was a "unique" VP. :wink: