At one time the Bear was quoted as saying "I don't want them to put on my tombstone that I never beat Notre Dame." When he passed away there was a movement among ND grads to chip in and by him a headstone. Re: '66. ND and MSU were obviously better than Alabama and the only question was which was the better. Since both were still ranked above the Tide after the game it's pretty clear that nothing had changed. (the number of players in that game who went on to the NFL was very impressive.) ND is trying to win the NC without oversigning and having the top graduation rate. Football has always been a matter of pride with ND fans but we do have other reasons for living.
Great, another writer who tries to turn a football game into pseudo sociological drivel: Violent acts spurred by bigotry and laws sanctioning religious or racial bigotry are a part of every state’s history. Do these ancient events reveal the reality of present times? And “Southern inferiority” complex? Really? If one looks at popular and academic literature, a disproportionate share of the greatest writers this country has produced are from South. In the arts, the only form that is famed around the globe that was created independently from European influences is jazz music, born in New Orleans. And, perhaps a smaller point, but the South also has produced most of our greatest generals and our form of government was basically conceived and created by Virginians. In our era, I am not sure if there is a consensus as to what benchmarks are used to measure “civilization”, but if one uses present migration patterns as a benchmark, based on Lenin’s maxim that “people vote with their feet”, there appears to be a dearth of “insecure” Southerners fleeing Dixie for a more prosperous and enlightened life elsewhere. But, there sure are a lot of folks getting the **** out of the Midwest, California, and East Coast and relocating to the South to find work or to reside in an area that is safe and allows one to live well without being rich and avoid having to fork over a huge chunk of one’s wages or retirement income to state and local governments controlled by those who owe their livelihood to taxation. And it might have been nice if the Forte had congratulated Alabama fans for having the good taste not to send into the marketplace t-shirts that tried to associate Notre Dame fans with stupid Catholic stereotypes in response to the feral “Catholics vs. Cousins” t-shirt. We have a football game coming up Monday involving two schools with a long history of accomplishments. It would have been fine with me if the writer had avoided the impulse to use the event in order to engage in mind numbing soliloquies about culture.
I'll second Sid. Very good post Bob. In the end it's just a football game. (of course that doesn't stop some idiots from spending way too much for a ticket and flying down for the game.)
8) I wasn't even thinking about anything as I read it. You the Russian language the word "silent" is an active verb. You're not just sitting there in STFU mode; you're actively participating in doing nothing. If I could speak Russian I would be doing that now...
Like reading about you guys telling Eskimos what living in an igloo is like... I had a much longer reply written to this, but like I said there's just no point. You guys have all the info and you have obviously all the experience on the subject behind you. Well done.
Corey, you're right i probably don't know much about being an Alabama native, Alabama fan, living in Alabama. :wink: 8)
part of me wishes I left my original post up. But I like you so that's why I took it down. It's not that important to me to be right. I'm sure Pat Forde just made all that stuff up.
Corey, it's okay, i get it. I don't know Pat Forde's background, but I can say without reservation that there is a least one Alabama fan that he his absolutely wrong about. 8)
I don't want anyone to misunderstand. I want Alabama to beat Notre Dame very badly. The win over Texas was very sweet because Texas has a deep tradition and the win over LSU was sweet because, well they were LSU, but Notre Dame's tradition is as rich as anyone's (even Alabama's :wink: ) and a win over Notre Dame in the National Championship game would be maybe be the sweetest of them all. Roll Tide.