As I said on a different thread...I've already broken one monitor and a laptop trying to swat that thing.
HH, Hands against the wall and spread em. You have the right to remain silent. anything that you say or do can be used against you in a court of your peers. You have the right to a can of raid. If you can not afford one, a can will be provided for you. Any questions?
The last time that happened, it was a Navy Corpsman giving me my final retirement exam!! BTW, In my lifetime I have been arrested 3-times. Anyone else been there or done that?
I can't complain when I was hitting the bars pretty hard I would go out and get in my car crawl in the back seat leave the keys in the ignition and the jarheads would drive me back to base. I'd wake up in the parking lot at base with the keys in the ignition.
OK AJ... remember, you asked for it. In December 1976, My cousins and I set out on a mission to bring home two christmas trees. We knocked on this old farmer's door and asked him for permission to cut down a couple of cedar trees. He didn't mind as long as we got far away from the house. We crossed one too many fences and started chopping. We had one down and was working on the second when an old man cycled the pump on his shotgun not 15 feet away. As it happened, we got too far away from the house... onto someone's property that didn't care too much for our plan. We were taken to county jail, booked, and thrown in jail. After about four hours, we made bail and the court case was set in January. When we got to trial, the judge laughed at the case. We had the individual in court that gave permission to show our innocent intent. The case was thrown out.
:lol: Thank you Cindy.......... I spent a few min trying to kill the bug then a few more trying to figure out why he would do such a thing ... then remembering the dinner we all shared it seemed well normal for him....