of cheaters. Well of course Manny was already on the list from this year but according to this he's a 2nd time offender. Which makes me wonder why he was not suspended for 2 years. Manny and Big Papi juicing
Ortiz' stats read like a steroid road map. Prior to 2003 the most HRs and RBIs he had in a season were 20 and 75. From 2003 to 2007 they were: 31-101, 41-139, 48-147, 54-137, 35-117. Then came the bad wrist, the achy knees..... all joint problems associated with prolonged steroid abuse and his stats have plummeted since. His case is a no brainer. Manny is now a two-time loser. It will be interesting to see how MLB handles him.
Postscript to Papi: back in the spring, I believe, he expressed his opinion that anyone caught juicing should be kicked out. So when is he leaving?
I've seen on other sites that Boston Sports stations are playing that interview where Big Juicer says they should be kicked out! Lol...Jiffer must be beside himself!
no problem T ! Papi is riding with the punches..not denying, not hiding. He will have a presser in next 48 hours when more info can be gathered...oh by the way.. Papi hit a monster 3run dinger today to help Sox come back and win!! Fans are 100% behind him in boston...NY will kill him next week!
He is denying it. What if he just says show me proof of the test. I never took one in 2003. Where would the proof come from? Tests results were to be shredded. If someone comes out with the proof, who are they and are they allowed to have it? I don't know, just think they all should have come out and said prove it, b/c under the bargaining, the results were never to be really seen. To me this was an era where a lot of steroids/hgh was used by many and thats it, heads were turned, and now the past is the past. Heard a guy on talk show say this today.....Latino's life is terrible down there and why not take a chance by using PED's, some have no choice at all, if they want to make a better life. Sad this is my period of baseball growing up, to me all tainted.
There now needs to be an Asterisk by the Sox 2004 WS Championship in the record books. 'Roids is the only way you can explain that comeback vs the Yankees!
An asterisk has to be behind the last 25 years as far as I'm concerned. You can't believe any of what you are seeing. Have Selig wear a clown suit when he is in public. Better yet, get rid of him and appoint Vince McMahon. Players can wear masks and capes. Papi is a textbook case like Brett Boone, Dykstra, Brady Anderson, Sosa etc.. It's all an illusion . Sure Boston fans are behind him. Just like New York fans are behind A-Rod, Giant fans behind Bonds. Don't forget these same fans are watching Monday Night Raw too.
so what should we do? * is out of question. will Payrod wear an * when he breaks all time home run record in 5 years? By the way it was 2004, testing was 2003
I don't know jif, but I used to look at Boston as the pinnacle of sportsmanship but given the cheating Patriots and now the cheating Red Sox I am very disappointed in the sportsmanship in Boston. Sad day for all of us non-Sox fans who reveled in the Sox finally breaking the curse. Instead they are just another team that breaks the rules and will do anything to win. Black day for sure.
I have a hard time with this one. How does a major leaguer, even a part-time player like Ortiz was prior to 2004, not know or not take an active interest in knowing what is being put in his system? Unless, of course, he chooses to not know or look the other way.
It's pretty much the standard for athletes who get caught, even that cyclist who won the Tour d'France and was found to have doped, he never admitted it even after all his backup samples tested positive. Many say they accidentally took some supplement that they got at GNC that caused a false positive or my doctor prescribed it. It's pretty rare that guys take the Andy Petite approach and just fess up and say they are sorry and move on.