I don't remember this being taught in any of my leadership courses.....it will no doubt serve to inspire loyalty amongst the workers.....great message to the troops. http://www.reuters.com/article/marketsNews/idINN1231206820090512?rpc=44
6 guys selling 300K in Stock, that doesn't seem like a lot of stock for 6 executives in a huge company like GM.
Huge in name and operating deficits only.....now quite small by size of equity market capitalization......stock is barely selling for $1/share. But your point is a good one, it still represented only 300 thousand shares or so between 6 execs.....a miniscule stake to be sure for an executive managment team in a DJIA company.
Only a true weasel would haved done what those six scalawags did yesterday. How did four such weaklings ascend to the throne?