Let me be the first to post it, Aaron Hernandez was convicted of Murder and sentenced to life in prison. Good riddance. Aaron Hernandez Guilty, Sentenced to Life
I believe a fatherless kid with thug friends had no guidance..... and no conscience. This is one of those kids who could have used a controlling yet ethical thinking agent.
:idea: He was a thug who took his one ticket to the high life, then tossed it all away. He never stopped being a thug. Like Denny McLain, he was a gangster who just happened to be good at sports...
Damn thing of it is he found it more important to impress his handful of thug friends than it was to let down a million Patriot fans. What a screwed up part of our society that must be. Useless.....
We probably will never understand what went though his mind, but having a person like him locked away can only benefit society.
When you look into his background, he was a gang banger from his HS days. So while people can change and certainly leaving his environment and going to college should have provided him an opportunity to make that change but clearly he didn't. While I can't site the article it seems to me that I've read that in retrospect he maintained his gang connections while he was at UF.