Started with a hot air balloon ride, moved on to Spring Training baseball, and ended with watching the Gators breeze into the Sweet-16, followed by pizza, KFC, and birthday cake. Since I asked about ballooning here, I thought you might be interested to know that we did it and it was just amazing. Highly recommended for everyone. Back in Jupiter we had awesome E-Bay seats at the sold-out Yankees at Marlins game. What a great afternoon. Most of the big name players were still dragging their feet home from getting booted in the classic, so we didn't get to see most of the people I'd recognize. Matsui and Giambi were there for the Yanks, but I didn't recognize anyone on the Marlins. Their catcher is quite the cutie, though! Here are a couple samples: We were in the Meechigan one. One of Giambi and one with Torre and Matsui (man, he's a scary lookin' dude). If you're interested in the whole batch, it's Don't have time for much story, I'm majorly paying the piper for not doing any work between all the fun and distractions. Oh, the "almost" was because it was only Marlins/Yankees and not the Cubs!