Morris Claiborne, CB from LSU, score a 4 out of a possible 50 on the Wonderlic tests at the NFL combine. Vince Young is off the hook as the all time dim bulb. How does a guy like this brush his teeth without harming himself?
Another SEC scholar athlete. How can someone with the intelligence of a mushroom stay in a university for 3 years?
I choose to think he was trying to get a zero. So, you could say his 4 is really a 46. Dont but it? Well, i tried.
I don't blame him for being modestly endowed. My son took the test in connection with his current employment and sent me a copy. I thought it was a great test. Questions challenging logic, education or combinations of both. Did this guy graduate?
Apparently he has a learning disability. I think that term is perhaps overused at times but there are certainly kids that have true disabilities. I also know kids who are actually quite bright, of normal intelligence, and who get good grades but do pretty poorly on standardized tests.
My wife and I collaboratively took a Wonderlic test online for a job she was looking at and the hardest part about it is the timed nature of it. She wanted my help because she doesn't trust her math skills and although I probably did assist with a couple of answers the fact we were collarborating probably slowed us down a tad. Our score was equivalent to what NFL Qbs generally score.....a 25. You would think it should be easier than that but you don't have a lot of time to ponder what your answers should be.
Son's employer didn't give him his score, only that he passed it. His wife was visiting in Seattle and I posed one of the problems from it "a and b picked 28 apples. A picked 3 times more than b. How many apples did b pick?" She immeditely answered "seven". I had processed the problem by letting x equal the unknown b number. 3x+x=28, 4x=28, x=7 which took longer. I asked her how she arrived at her answer. She said: "Tried eight, it was too big". Goes to show women's brains are different.
Well the kid is going to be a 1st round draft choice and make a lot of money even if he never really makes it in the NFL. You just have to hope for his sake that he takes care of his money. So many of the athletes end up in financial problems after their careers however long or short because they just blow it all on stupid stuff.