I have a feeling that loss in the Super Bowl will cause a little bit of a hangover for the Pats. Fortuneately for them they play in the weakest division in the NFL so still should win their division and have a good record...I say something lke 12-4, no division losses, but also no return to the Super Bowl.
whichever you'd recommend Joel. Hopefully something with better stealth capabilities than the one this guy uses
fear not Corey!! In Bill We Trust!! ( by the way.why do you get up so early mornings? I see you posting at 3 am, 4 am 5 am)
early <r>I work for a company that hosts and develops global internet business services and sometimes I have to be up (and prepared) to meet client needs for new projects they are launching.<br/> <br/> Often, quite often, these people aren't prepared so I am waiting around for them...I'm just busting your chops about the Pats. I like Beantown just fine. My grandfather's Providence connection still has a lasting effect on me to this day. Still, its funny.<br/> <br/> That, and I only sleep about 3 to 5 hours a day anyway... but since I can't b*tch at the clients, I can come here.. and Dave usually has something for me to swat around to vent my frustrations <E></E></r>
I know about your PROVIDENCE connection...your dad has talked to me about it. He still has recollections of certain parts of the city. Take a ride up and watch some Ivy Football some time lololol!!