The Yahoo site has not opened the 2015 contest yet. That usually happens early to mid-August. I'll keep an eye on it and will set up our contest as soon as it is available. If you did not play last year and want to play this year, I will be posting a link to the group to allow you to sign up. If you played last year, you will receive an invitation to the e-mail address you used last year.
Don't you threaten me! :wink: I'm thinking of entering twice this year. One entry will be my usual picks. The other will be drawn from a hat... and sure to beat the crap out of my well thought out picks!
:idea: I'm looking forward to it and I like Scott's idea too. I think I'll call my alternate "Not JO'Co."
Looking forward. Really looking forward to football season. However we are going to be in France for the whole month of October, I hope I can keep my entries up to date.
Bill, That's really rough. A month in France, I really feel sorry for you maybe not being able to play in the contest. I think you should just stay home instead. :wink:
Terry, I lost my trophy shop that I have been using all along. Looking for one that will cooperate as much as that one did.
Sorry to take so long to reply KP, this rehab for my hip replacement has kept me busy, sounds like a good excuse anyway. I think if I was to withdraw from the trip it would cause a serious rift in our household. But thanks for the suggestion.
If I was going to France for a month, it would take a nuclear holocaust to make me withdraw. I have never been to Paris but I really enjoy the French Alps, the Provence region and the Riviera from Marseille to Monaco. Have fun. 8)
Bill I'm sure you'll have a good time and that the hip is now well healed. As to Paris, my closest friend described it best. He said "it's a lot like New York except more people in Paris speak English." Make sure you get out to Normandy and also stop at Mt. St Michele. They're both well worth the effort.
OK... the group has been renewed. If you played last year, you should have an e-mail invitation from Yahoo. If not, or you just don't see the invitation, the group number is 376 and the password is br549
I think I will find a way KP. I've been told the house we are renting has internet. Not to fear though, the last few years I haven't been competitive. Oh, Tom I am in.
I sent a reminder to Chris and Jeremy. Jeremy (FlBucks) thought he'd sit out if it was the same format. He likes the basketball contest though. He said he'd probably join if it was just the top 25 but too many obscure games otherwise. Also he'd like the old throw out one format because the last two years he forgot one and dropped out. No big deal to me...just thought I'd pass it on for discussion. I know that I was one of the guys who voted against the top 25 and also voted to do away with one freebie miss...but it's something to think about and discuss. Maybe that would bring some of the popularity back?