The Pick-em contest is up and an invitation has been sent to the registered e-mail of all participants from last year. If you did not get your invitation, go to this link and join group ID 4856 password br549
Please set yout entry up as soon as possible. Picks for Week 1 will be available on or after Monday, August 26, 2013.
I've put in my losing bid. I may just try the "pick opposite of my gut" system. I would have been a contender last year considering how bad I was!
The complete Ryckman klan, JOCo, and Corey have signed up. No sign of the Bitch yet... Cindy,,, oh Cindy...
Not so, Corey. We old guys love you like a son. Of course, one of us old guys actually is your dad. We understand that you have trouble sitting down because of the multiple burrs up your butt, with the ACC being just one of many. Because we love you, we tolerate your rants. As far as "judged by who you associate with", you could do much worse than our little gang. :lol: P.S. We'll see in a year or two or three who has the last laugh.
haha! I sit pretty comfy. I've brought the recliner and the marshmallows. I'm ready for the ACC baby! Clemson-mania!! Real football traditions like Virginia Tech and the family friendly fan clubs like Duke. I'm all in.
I'm tearing up a little, Sid. :cry: Corey is a pain in the ass. But he's our pain in the ass and we have his back. 8)
oh fear not George, I have a whole other venue to spout off on my rants under a nifty nom de plume that affords me both anonymity and a small amount of food money starting up next week. No one will have to tolerate anything. I'll still be here to wave the mighty conference banner high and drink the Kool-Aid of conformity. All will be right at Casa de Skybox. I'm not giving up on screwing with Dave though. That **** is too much fun.