Just set up the group. Everyone that was in last year just received an e-mail with an invitation. Anyone else... Group ID: 39813 Password: br549
I'm in! Hey they aught to make a pre-bracket game. Guess who gets in the tournament then pick the winners. :wink:
So Terry has me and him fighting for last place. I'm going to beat you Terry. Remember that one year I won it all. The first year the Gators won, I was the only person that picked them. I have to admit that I did it just for the heck of it not thinking when it started that we had a chance. I'm keeping my picks secret this time.
OK guys, we have 21 participants of which I am not sure of the identity of one. Team "skybox" listed by a Yahoo ID of Patrick Cooper is not familiar to me. Anyone know who this is? I will expel this entry if nobody speaks up by Saturday evening, 19-Mar.
Was that the guy who hijacked an airplane then parachuted into the forest with all the money? Or was that some other Cooper? Maybe he's trying to hijack the contest... 8)
Patrick Cooper is my grandson. He won the contest last year. As defending champ, I thought he could play again this year. Boot him if you want Tom. He's 11.
8) In these contests I've had me butt kicked by girls, pussy cats and little kids for years. Some day, I'm going to win one and then the celebration will get serious...
LOL...I forgot a kid beat us last year. It's usually a Ryckman, maybe Stu's kids are too old now though!