8) Tony's sister stole it to give to the Russian babe.
Did I mention....I hate Badgers! :x Damn smelly foul tempered beasts!
I just wanna know if it comes with two pairs of slacks...Wak-A-Wak-A :lol:
8) Terry they'd "lynch" Thomas (I guess that ain't too p.c.) in this state for what is still thought of as a slam against one of this state's...
Dangit....ya just can't count on those "Spartys" fer nottin except maybe ruinin football seasons :D
All I want to know is why was Dick out there in the fields stalking poor Dan 8) I can't wait for Leno's and Lettermens take on this.....and...
re: electric line internet George....you were on the level.....here I thought you were trying to set olTB up to zap himself. Imagine extra long...
Jif, Think the situation you were referring to happend over 33 years ago. I was still wearing the "pickel suit" then and was on leave squiring...
8) Ahead of schedule "Big Momma" was fired up today.....seems the neighbors were complaining about the rising stacks of crushed cars.
:D Terry, They are moving the Hall of Fame.....but until they do it is one block over from "Big Momma". ( I found that ironic myself) :)
8) BT...GM does have part in the price of steel due to consumption (you knew that I know,but it allows me to mention)....the huge run-up in scrap...
"Look who's smiling now!" :D In the last 18 months my NS stock has more then doubled. To think Candy was ready to leave me when I took a flyer on...
:D Oh it's baseball.....I thought this was about "BrokeBack Mountain"......sorry guys.....the deeble made me do it! :twisted:
:roll: Muslims ticked off about prophet being insulted: now I only saw one of these cartoons and it was a poor rendition.....has anyone seen the...
:D Bobda "Now that's a real scarey one kids!" Count Floyd
Hey terry I've gotta ask....does Quinn have a sister? 8)
Terry, I've been in training for years 8) 8) From chile's on my pizza to my "world famous"fried chicken with habenarros.....I'll be ready...
:roll: Oh foolish me.....I thought this was a editorial comment about the President of Mexico
:twisted: A nite game eh.....!My poor Buckeyes....A "green " D Two holes on the O-line to fill. I just hope they can give those "son's of...
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