Where is Wendy? Has beating us year after year become so boring that she has turned to other contests to get the thrill of a challenge?
Bill, Just responded to your email. I got the entry you put in today, but not anything earlier. Wendy is "registered" with a codeword, so I think she's just doing a little last minute research... I will be out of town all day Saturday, and pretty busy Friday with tailgate prep. I'll try to make a few posts tomorrow evening to update the list of players as the stragglers come in. If you don't see your name, I DON'T have your picks.
Yikes! I'm here. Not researching, just forgetful. I'm looking at them now. It's slow ... cats are in their upper teens and I'm down a smart dog and up a Weimaraner ... it's hard to reach any kind of concensus.
Hmmm, I got the "Can't be submitted at this time" message also. I only hit submit once so there wouldn't be a million from me also. I will email them to Scott just in case - so they are there by kick-off Saturday. WT
I got yours Wendy. I don't understand the "can't submit" message. I'm wondering if my site is causing a browser conflict... In any case they are getting to me.
Scott, let's find out what browser they are using from the members that are having problems. If this persists, we may need to move this back to the Skybox. If this is helping you track the results, I'll track it for you.
I use Mozilla Firefox at home. But I do have Explorer and can use it if that's the problem. We use Explorer at work and 9 times out of 10 I'd be doing the entries at work (unless I forget like this time).
Scott, I don't know if I like this format where we have no idea about the picks of other members. Everyone, How did everyone do on day one? I have one loss for 2 points. That was the Army/Arkansas St game. Cindy has two losses for 15 points. She lost the Army game for 8 points and the North Carolina/Rutgers game for 7 points. My score for now is 79 and Cindy's is 75.