well.....seeing smoke on the recruiting front that says Mr. Kiel may be headed to LSU instead of ND. Interesting and some credibility to that may be in the fact that ND is already looking at another 2012 QB... Kid is an outstanding athlete and ND was recruiting him previously as that, an ATHLETE. Kid wants to play QB though and it appears ND may give him the chance to do so. Size, wt etc. similar to Golson. Looks like a better fit for Kelly's offense really. I'm still really excited about Hendrix after seeing him in the Stanford game. I'm hoping Kelly gives him a lot more playing time in the bowl game. Hope he doesn't wait to long to put him in. I really don't want to see him go in if we are down 21-0 and Rees has been sacked 3 times and picked off twice. Need to see him when the game is on the line, win or lose. He looked like he had all the composure in the world in the Stanford game.
Little Christmas Cheer for ND fans, <r>A glimpse of the future for ND....with Shepard and Greenberry<br/> <br/> <URL url="http://www.fresnobee.com/2011/12/23/2660045/fresno-area-stars-show-way-in.html"><LINK_TEXT text="http://www.fresnobee.com/2011/12/23/266 ... ay-in.html">http://www.fresnobee.com/2011/12/23/2660045/fresno-area-stars-show-way-in.html</LINK_TEXT></URL><br/> <br/> <URL url="http://footballrecruiting.rivals.com/content.asp?CID=1310798"><LINK_TEXT text="http://footballrecruiting.rivals.com/co ... ID=1310798">http://footballrecruiting.rivals.com/content.asp?CID=1310798</LINK_TEXT></URL></r>
Yeah I'm sorry we lost him to LSU. The biggest QB Miles ever produced was Jamarcus Russell....hope Gunner doesn't fall into that sort of mold.
Not really, Crist was an early ND commit and he was a leader of that class in terms of keeping things together during the horrid 2007 season. Weis owed him a lot for that. Kiel seemed to be a kid who was looking for any reason not to go to ND. Certainly there was a lot of positives as to why he should have come to ND, we throw the ball more than LSU, we are closer to home (supposedly one reason he chose IU), our academics are light years ahead of LSU, family legacy, I read many times his parents were always encouraging him to go to ND but he just couldn't pull the trigger. You might even suppose that Kelly's sideline antics were a factor but the HAT is just as animated as Kelly, doesn't turn purple in the face though. Head scratcher in the end. It is disappointing that with a suspect lineup at QB that we couldn't get any of our top targets to come in and compete. Lord knows it's not like we have guys that nobody could beat out and you'd just have to wait your turn. It was the same last year, and only reason we got Golson was that UNC got into NCAA trouble, he didn't chose us first we were his backup plan.
ND <t>I would have liked to have him (Kiel)but it gives ND a better shot to get the Fuller kid who I think will be better suited for the Irish offense.</t>
Terry I wasn't talking about his recruiting history, I was talking about his playing style. I think he's much closer to Crist than to Hendrix or Golson.
Oh that, yeah I think you are right, big guy, strong arm, not a plodder but not Denard Robinson either! A lot of people thought he was fast enough to at least provide a credible threat at QB to run. Golson supposedly is a pass first kid as well who while not slow is not a super fast QB either. Fuller the new QB who has popped up from Jersey is fast/fast/fast....but supposedly raw as a passer. That is where Gunner to me at least held the edge, he's supposedly a polished passer.
I watched Kiel's entire last high school game. He showed nothing. His team lost by over 50 points. From that point forward I was mystified by the hype. Still am.
I don't think we're gonna miss him. Like Corey and Gip, I just didn't see where he would fit into this offense. I also worry about comments like Sid's. The people who've actually seen him play say that he's good, but nothing special. I think the Irish can always do better than that... :wink:
Kelly's offense demands a QB that can run and run well. Almost another Tony Rice type... someone who's running threat opens up his passing lanes.
ND <t>Just saw where ND picked up the Russell kid(RB) from the west coast. WAS DOWN TO ND and UW.</t>
Rumors are spinning out of control that Shepard and Greenberry are thinking of switching to USC and that Darby is wavering as well, he likes Clemson and that new crook that Maryland hired, Lockersly (Zook's bagman at Illinois) is in his ear.
Russell is a good pick up. We don't get many out of Washington http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/highschoolsports/2017121626_mason30.html
Terry, Irish Eyes reported a few weeks ago that Shepard and Greenberry visited USC. Since then both have reaffirmed their commitment to ND. One never knows about these kids, though.
ND <t>I'm pretty confident that Darby, Russell and Greenberry all stick with their verbals and end up in South Bend.</t>