:lol: :lol: :lol: Now I know why joco wants the mini tank and gantling gun... to vist Corey.... And Corey after readingthe story I can only say one thing ARE YOU CRAZY... a California kid the most dangerous thing you did was ski Black Diamonf runs your first time on ski's .. maybe sail the Hobie in the Thunderstorm. and go to the river with your buddies and trust me guys these young men at the river,those are some scarry stories. a moms nightmare. But it will make for great topic at dinner thursday.... Corey and his wild Hogs boars what ever they are ..... and I would never let you have a bow,knife,let alone a gun... I dont think you even shot the shotgun at the lake did you. Crazy kid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:wink: :wink: Sid nothing my boys ever do shocks me. whether or not I agree with them. thats a different story.... as for this... well..... I'll take the Hobie and Black diamond over this anyday. :lol: :lol:
If you want to know what Corey was having hand to hand combat with, I would recommend you watch "Hannibal" the sequel to "Silence of the Lambs". That boy is batshit crazy, as they say.
You guys are funny. Mom, I used a crossbow not a gun. I have nothing against guns. I don't fault anyone who goes deer hunting or really any kind of hunting with a gun. I see the sport in it, that's just not for me. If I'm going to hunt, I want the beast to have some reasonable chance of being able to kill/injure me as I do it. Obviously, I was not planning on getting blindsided by the boar I thought ran away. I've heard they are a huge problem in Texas. Most states in the southern US will let you bag as many as you want. I was hunting on private land on a farm in MS by the LA border. Judging from what I saw there, he doesn't just have a hog problem but he's got a huge hog problem. Those things are nasty. I have to get a second round of shots next week and as soon as the ribs heal a bit more, I'll be going back again. George, You just let me know when you need the favor.
Also: Copter hunting.. meh, I'd just as soon play Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 with my son... That guy did a wonderful job of aerating that field. Thank goodness he had the safety of the copter and wasn't actually in the bush. This is what my view of most of the night was.. at this time, they were surrounding me on 3 sides. You could hear them but not see them. Tom, You ain't playing. I'm not afraid of anything but I'd want no part of Cindy or her bad side. Even I know that some battles just can't be won.
well I dont want to know about it.... I dont approve. but hey who am I just the one who gave you life.... but again... dont complain if you get hurt. and a bow really at least use a gun. :wink:
Corey, You do what you want ( You will anyways ) but I tend to agree with your mom... I have hunted hogs for 30 years until at this point they are just a damn nuisance then a sport to enjoy. I meant to take a picture of the boar hog hanging on my wall in the office with 2 1/2" tusk to add character to this post but I have seen and heard of a lot of people who have been injured in a serious manner. I have seen men with their tendons cut behind the knee from hogs and more than once watched them fight infection from a hog biting them or cutting them. This is not counting the numerous times my dogs or a friends had their guts hanging out where the hog sliced and diced them. I admire your thought process in your hunting of the hogs but consider at the very least to pack a 22 cal pistol if things go wrong. This is my once a year "Motherly Moment" other than that enjoy yourself and hopefully one day we can catch up and hunt together... RC
When I was a teenager, I learned the first rule of drag racing: There aint no replacement for cubic inch displacement. (double negative... I know) Something similar can be said for boar hunting: If you're gonna go, go big... .45 cal works better than .22. 8)
I have never, ever hunted anything like wild boar...but I tell you right now, I would MUCH rather have a crossbow in my hands than a .22. Go big or go home. .44 mag revolver maybe? .22 is just gonna p@ss him off.
Well as a man that has caught or killed upwards of 300 hogs and normally has no less then 1/2 dozen guns bouncing around in his truck used on a constant basis I've learned that it's not the gun size its where you put the bullet. A mature wild boar hog may have up to 3 " shields (Think built in bullet proof armor to protect him from other boar hogs that want to slice and dice him while fighting). These shields have deflected many a large caliber shot fired in the direction of a large boar hog if its not put in the proper spot. George had it correct, put your shot behind the ear of the hog and he's on the way to somebody's dinner table. I've got the 40 cal,44 cal, & 45 calibers of the world but up close and personal with people around you as is the case with most hog hunting a 22 mag pistol is all you need and more importantly it is not going to go through and hit your buddy on the other end of the hog if a shot is needed. In Florida it was against the law to hunt at night with a gun unless you could prove land ownership so we learned to hunt with dogs, a piece of rope and a good flashlight before we learned how to drive. Besides we could get a $100 bucks for each boar hog caught alive to be sold to the hunting lodges in Alabama and Georgia. I am much older and probably not too wise but I have learned to carry a gun for safety in a safe legal manner and to understand where to put the bullet.
.44 mag used to be the most powerful handgun but it has been surpassed by the .50 S&W. Most hunters in grizzly country pack this firearm. It is the main cal you can count on when a grizzly has you in its sights. Guarantee that a hog would be no match for that projectile. However, I do have the 22 mag covered with a S&W 351PD 7 shot 22 WMR. That is a nice little light firearm.
I didn't mention that I am a wuss when it comes to kickback from both large pistol and large rifle calibers..... I prefer something......more forgiving...
... and .50 S&W is a monster. I have a friend that was a military sniper... a great marksman... with a rifle. He fired my .50 and came very close to a hammer tattoo on his forehead. That gun has more kick than the Radio City Rocketts. :wink: