Paterno has been involved in several controversial scandals including being forced to apologize for a profanity-laced tirade directed at then Rutgers head coach Doug Graber at the conclusion of a nationally televised game in 1995,[22] being accused of "making light of sexual assault" in 2006 by the National Organization for Women which called for his resignation,[23] and being involved in a road rage incident in 2007.[24] In 2008, due to a litany of football players' off-the-field legal problems, including 46 Penn State football players having faced 163 criminal charges according to an ESPN analysis of Pennsylvania court records and reports dating to 2002,[25] ESPN questioned Joe Paterno's and the university's control over the Penn State football program by producing and airing an ESPN's Outside the Lines feature covering the subject.[26] Paterno was criticized for his response dismissing the allegations as a "witch hunt", and chiding reporters for asking about problems Had Galen Hall illegally in coach box Rashard Casey felony punching a cop allowed to play in bowl game. This guy does whatever it takes to winning, even look the other way in child rape. Fake, Fraud, Phony = JoePa Wish only Tod Jeffers was alive to ask him about JoePa since we use to have battles of JoePa's sainthood in the prodigy days
Looks like Joe is retiring on his terms? He has announced his decision to retire at the end of the season per AP reports.
This is at the heart of the matter. Where is the courage? People replaced heart and dignity with CYA. The rallies and riots for JoePa yesterday were sickening. Wentzel's article yesterday is/was spot on. He has to go. People think I am an asshole for this very reason but I hold others as accountable as I do myself for these things. No one is perfect, but when you fail at something so fundamental, you've got to go. Every single second he spends in that seat from this day forward is now testimony toward his selfish nature.
I agree.....something seems crazily out of whack about the whole situation. If Paterno "wishes he had done more" he said in his retirement statement then WHY IN THE HELL DIDN"T HE? How in the world can the PennSt. admin let him continue to lead this program? This isn't stealing shoes from the department store.......this isn't shrugged off by an innocuous statement like "well at least he didn't shoot the president" like Bobby Bowden did when his players were arrested for stealing. This ain't stealing.......this is horridly worse and I just wonder what could be the thinking to keep Joe around till the end of the season.
I'm trying to picture myself in the position of the GA. Most things, yeah I probably go tell Joe, and let him handle it. But this is in a different league. IF I walk by and see that... I'm probably coming back with a bat to handle it myself. AND THEN... I'd be calling the police. I'd let somebody else in the AD know once the cops were on the way. After that... I'm with Corey on this. How could Joe not dig up the truth??
I'm not sure about that. It's my understanding that he made his statement on his own ahead of the trustees meeting. I see as his effort to pre-empt whatever the trustees might have in mind. I guess if the trustees accept his resignation as he presented it, then that's how it will play out. We'll know in a few hours. Corey, Dave, and Scott, I agree with all you've said above.
Boys were repeatedly raped by Sandusky after Paterno was first made aware that there was a problem. And Sandusky had full access to all the PSU facilities right up to the moment he was handcuffed. Paterno should be handcuffed to the President of PSU and both ridden out of Happy Valley on a rail.
Scott, Don't get me wrong, if I am that GA, this situation only gets to JoePa when I pull a naked motherf***er in his mid50s off of a 10 year old boy, mop the showers with his head, wrap the boy in a towel and drag that son of a bitch to JoePa's office by his jaw with the boy in tow. I'd submit my evidence to Joe and ask him to call the police... and then probably beat that SOB with the phone for good measure when Joe is done with it. I was raised that men handle things like that. It appears that Penn State holds a different viewpoint on how men handle things.
Rivals is reporting that the PSU President will be out his ass by the end of the day. We'll see. If he is I hope he has Paterno in tow because that sumbitch is in this up to his bifocals.
Penn State as a football program is going to be on life support: It does open up a more likely possibility that if...IF.....Urban decided to get back into coaching he could decide on the Buckeyes because he sure as hell isn't going to Penn St and neither are many good recruits as the article points out. Sandusky single-handedly has brought down Penn State maybe forever.
The GA McQueary is the WR coach and apparently is the one on the field that sends in plays to the offense. It's hard to believe he is going to be on the field this Sat. and what kind of reception will he get?
I wonder what the B10 will do about it's Championship game's called the Stagg-Paterno Trophy.
What are we going to do with the Jaskewicz contest and the trophy with the Paterno bobble head? I will start a topic...