Terry, the seasons where there is one more football weekend than normal the Gators have been scheduling Miami. That ends with our next game with them and I believe we are looking around to see who we might schedule in the early part of the season, third game I believe.
Yeah having FSU and Miami in state certainly makes things difficult, although if I were a Gator fan I'd want to play them. Although probably I'd want to not play Miami every year since there is no established tradition of playing them every year like there is for FSU, maybe play them 2 years home/home and then go out and play somebody else out of your region home/home, then back to Miami or something like that. Same for Texas if Texas A&M leaves the B12 for the SEC I'd still want to play them on Thanksgiving or Thanksgiving weekend.
Terry, there was a time when we played Miami every year and not FSU. Then FSU was added and we played them both every year. Then the SEC expanded the number of conference games teams play and we dropped playing Miami every year. Personally, and no offense to ReCane, I don't need to play Miami and would be happy to add some good non conference games from around the country.
That's all I would like to see, just get out of Florida. Go up and kick Rutgers butt or say Purdue... Obviously biased but I think Notre Dame has hardest schedule based on teams they play and their styles. USC has that pro style offense, Navy the option, Stanford has that west coast offense, Big Ten plays their own style etc. I think that is hard each week to get players prepped for it. To me, all the teams in the SEC have the same style and it's not gonna change, so preparing for the most part is easier. IDK, just my take on it. Obviously with ND wanted to be independent thats what happens.
Yup now all someone has to figure out is how to beat them. Obviously anyone can get prepared for those SEC team, they just can't beat them. 8)
Anybody who discounts the travel factor obviously roots for team that takes a bus or walks to all its games. Play a team two time zones away. Play in the snow. Play at altitude. Play in the rain and wind on a northern fall day.
For sure I agree with the obviously biased part. Now my advice, Notre Dame can do it the Notre Dame way and Florida will do it the Florida way. Some time you might consider the difference about being in a conference and being an independent before advising others on what to do. Personally I think Notre Dame should be in a conference, but I think you should do it the way the Irish think is best for them. To bad you can see your way clear to think the same of the Gators.
And anybody who doesn't seem to understand that being in a conference brings differences in the way teams operate as opposed to being independent obviously refuses to see the other guys point of view. But I am pretty used to that.
It doesn't make sense to me. Go back and read the opening post . The Gator schedule was laid out there as the standard to which other schools could compare with. He actually closed with a "challenge" of sorts. So some of us took up the challenge. Yes, it is opinion but so is everything you post on here. That's all Im saying. And who is giving advice? This is a chat BB. If the Gator coach, or any other coach, is coming here for advice then don't don't get too comfortable with them.
With forgiveness to my Gator friends this statement is so true and gave me a chuckle. Without any doubt the SEC is the king of the roost in college sports and has been for several years now in most sports played. You have no arguement from me on this as other conferences look up to the depth and quality of the SEC. Bill is correct that playing in a conference does apply different pressures and demands. I wish Miami was still independant since it seems we cannot perform as well in conference play. Conference play turns into a gruel fest of attrition as you play week in and week out against foes who know your team intimately. But George is also correct when he states that playing in locations where rain,sleet and snow along with 2,000 mile trips to teams and locations you have zero comfort or knowledge of. I know this is an old discussion hashed out many times but as a football fan it would be nice to see Florida play in a snow storm or ice bowl on artificial turf where the ball has a different bounce. Or play up in Washington state for a night game against their crowd. I think UF playing Miami and FSU has ruined much of the chance of this happening and would not complain if they took a few years off from that schedule to play Michigan at their house... RC
Ok, George but it sure read like you were stating it as a fact rather than an opinion. And if MCG made a challenge that sure wasn't from the Gator Nation. Thanks Sid.
Hot Damn! We got the B1G weather and the Gator schedule all on the same thread!!! The two rites of summer together as one! Must be getting close to football time!!! A little bluster from AJ about the Train, and we'll know it's real close!
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Bill you don't do well walking the dog down a snowy/icy hill much less putting on pads and helmet to take on Bobda!!
You got that right Terry. It took a long time for these weary old bones and muscles to recover from that fall, I don't need a repeat.