Some of you have been reading on facebook about this. My brother Jimmy was in third grade when Cindy and I moved away from Tennessee in 1989. He and I have different mothers and were not very close due to hard feelings I had for my father for many years. About four years ago, after taking a 10 year break from school after high school, he came to the realization that without a higher education in his past, his future did not look too bright. He followed in the footsteps of his older brother and got that degree. He graduated late last year and in this economy, found it difficult to obtain a job using his degree. Three months ago, his search ended. He is now gainfully employed making good money with room for advancement. I am so proud of him and his accomplishments. He and I are taking a brother trip. I am riding my Harley from Austin to Nashville to meet up with him. We are then taking a ride to the Smoky Mountains. Once there, we are taking a 120 mile loop through the mountains. Eleven miles of that is an area called "Tail of the Dragon" This is a well known area to sports car enthusiasts and motorcycles. Scott has chimed in about it on Facebook. I leave Austin on 29-June and we will be riding the tail on 2-July. Forgive Cindy in advance. She is going to be nervious until I return. She might even snap out at people. She was not in the picture when I rode bikes in my earlier days. It will take her a while to get used to it.<i></i>
re: ride Wow! That sounds like a great idea. A long time ago, I used to work with a guy who never stopped talking about the motorcycle trip that he took with his brother. They started in Upland, CA and got as far as Montreal, Canada. It must have been a good idea, because he never ran out of memories of the adventures that he had with his brother...
Now I'm too old to run the tail like this guy... but in 10 minutes, you see most of the tail of the dragon. <object><param name="movie" value=""><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="390"></object>
Safe travels M&M. I have been looking forward to this for a while. Jimmy, as well, is excited about the trip. I have several things to look forward to this year. After the bike trip is my 35th year high school reunion on 23-July. I am flying in to Nashville from San Jose and Cindy is meeting me there. In November, I am joining people from my youth in a camping trip in Northeast Tennessee for 5 days. Some of these guys and I have not seen each other in 35 years.
Have a great time Tom. I have ridden, been on is probably a better word, the Tail in a car. I can see how it would be fun for a cyclist. Be careful and have fun.
Well... made a mistake posting that video. Didn't help Cindy's nerves any. Three more work days. The oil has already been changed. Just need to strap the bag and cooler to the back of the bike and head out Wednesday evening around 8 p.m. Temp starts dropping from a high between 4:30 and 5:00 and is averaging 90 degrees and falling by 8 p.m. I have programmed stops into the Garmin for gas stations and truck stops every 100 miles when I have a range of about 180 miles comfortably. I have communicated with a hotel in Little Rock that has agreed to let me have a check-in as early as 06:00 with a check-out time as late as 22:00. That is perfect for my desired travel time. The techno-geek in me has placed a Sprint Over-drive WiFi hot spot in the fork bag for use with keeping e-mail up to date on the iPhone without using my 3G data pool and for using the iPad from the hotel incase they only have wired internet. The over-drive is powered by a USB cable that snakes up to the windshield bag that houses a three outlet cigarette lighter and two outlet USB power source wired to the battery. Two of the three cigarette lighter plugs are being used for the Garmin and to keep the iPhone charged. I have a bluetooth headset in my helmet that connects to the iPhone for listening to iTunes and to hear when I have a call coming in and need to stop to take it. (I am still responsible for taking calls from Europe, Asia, and North America marketing groups for questions on classes). Believe me, if a call comes in that I don't recognize as Family or Applied Materials, voicemail is in their future.
Scattered thunderstorms being shown in the 10 day forcast for Nashville, Knoxville, and Chattanooga areas. This could limit the mileage we travel. Already discussing changing the 120 mile loop through the mountains to a 40 and a 20 mile segment... still taking in the Tail of the Dragon. I have also put Wednesday, 6-July, as another tentative vacation day on my schedule in case it takes longer to get home than expected.
Tomorrow's the day. One more work day to tie up loose ends. Should be no trouble getting out as planned.
<object><param name="movie" value=""><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="390"></object>
Last time to check the Skybox before pulling out of the garage. Plans have changed. Minimal night driving. After much thought about wildlife jumping out in front of headlights, the heat of the day sounds better. I'll be leaving at ~5 p.m. with some night driving tonight to get somewhere around Mt Vernon, Texas. That should be around 11 p.m. I'll get up and make it to Jackson, Tennessee by Thursday night around 5 p.m. That makes an easy drive of four hours to get on in to Nashville the next morning. I think this will be much safer and an easier... hotter, drive. :wink: 8)
Pictures from the Tail of the Dragon. I have ordered a copy of each of these so I do own them. This is my brother Jim and his Wife Mary with me far in the background: Jim and Mary: Jim and Mary again: Me with ear to ear grin: Me with ear to ear grin again: