OK, admittedly, I am cheating. Here in China, it is a little past 03:00 on the 9th. Therefore, technically, it is Bill's Birthday. Happy Birthday Bill!
Today the 8th is my sister's and was my father's birthday. When it was on Mother's Day I used to go broke buying cards. :lol: Happy Birthday Bill
Thanks guys. May 9 is the day but it falls on Mothers Day every 7 years. In fact I was born on Mothers day, probably explains why she lived to be 90. Thanks.
Tom is right! Today is the day. I have decided that starting today each birthday makes me a year younger.
Happy Birthday, Bill! I know you're not this old yet, but George Will just turned 70 and here is his glass half-full essay on the last 70 years; http://www.jewishworldreview.com/cols/will050811.php3
Thanks, we are having company over for dinner and they are arriving. I will read Will's article after they leave. Thanks a lot.