Shot in the head by the black ops guys, who also recovered his body and matched it with the DNA of his late sister. This all happened at a mansion in Islamabad, Pakistan. The body will be "disposed of..."
Is that his Prom picture? We told you we wouldn't stop pal, and now look at ya. To wound up to sleep now.....
He was having a little get together with his they're dead too. No casualties for Delta Force. Crowds are dancing and singing in Times Square, NYC...
Thus ends the longest recorded game of Hide and Seek in modern history.. You gotta admit he was the belt wearing champion of that ****, but now he too is gone. Stay gold pony boy, stay gold.
By the looks of his photo gettin shot in the head ain't good for ya.... :lol: Rest in Torment you SOB....
I didn't see the press conference but I like the short sweet nature of it and the exit by the Prez! Thanks Rick!
I read that he was buried at sea as to not create a site that could be used as a shrine by his followers. I would have prefered cremation with ashes flushed down the toilet. Any toilet.
Have been following this on the news and learned a few things. It was the Navy Seals that accomplished the mission. Bin Landen was taken to an aircraft carrier where he was washed and given a burial consisten with muslim custom for a sea burial. In retrospect I have to say that distinguishes us as a Nation. I am glad that those running our country have a clearer head than I.
I'm surprised at the number of people upset with the celebration of the death of OBL. Somebody posted this on facebook and it got a lot of thank you's for posting this. Personally, I am so glad we shot him. I can't imagine the problem bringing him to the US or even sending him to Gitmo and then trying to figure out a trial and the security issues. Bullet in the head was the best of all possible outcomes.
I won't go so far as to say that I celebrated his death......I will say however that the fact that the last thing that went through his mind were the bullets of U.S. Navy Seal Team 6 does not trouble me one bit..... :wink:
In reality, he was dumped off the back of the Stugots. The Seals did the deed and then turned the stiff over to specialists for "shipping". He sleeps with the fishes.