Completely disagree. DT finally got the prez to do what he should have years ago. Establish through documentary evidence that he meets the qualifications for the office he holds.
Are you serious, Dave? It takes an individual two and one half years AFTER he is sworn into office to produce a birth certificate? Thanks for wasting our time, dimwit. But it was an effective distraction from the horrendous job you are doing as chief executive. Obama, leading.... from the rear.
And who among us thinks that his U.S. place of birth wasn't already proven to the US Justice Department before he even took office? I think what he is saying in a nice way is that the rightwing stir about his birth certificate was at best "silly" when in reality at it's worst it was a sham....a grandstanding circus....a real waste of time and possibly even racist.
It's taken them 2 years to get a Photoshopped document that will pass all the tests. Before I believe it's a true document I want the paper analyzed and the ink...the ink is the key it's hard to fake ink! :roll: :roll: :roll:
Of course the origin of the birth question was during the primaries and raised first by Clinton supporters. Of course that "left wing stir" wasn't silly or racist. :roll:
As the resident moderate, I am disappointed in the hubbub about his birth certificate. The conservative element made it personal, which IMO played directly into Obama's hands, hence his "silliness" comments. I'm seeing desperation on the part of the conservatives. There is no viable candidate for president outside of Mitt Romney, and the current loudest voice, Donald Trump, is a fool but has not been renounced - yet - by anyone in the conservative camp. He potentially could be a one-term president, but I don't think there is anyone available at this point who can unseat him.........except of course Mitch Daniels. Hahahahaha! The above comments are my less-than-two cents'-worth analysis of the political scene and have nothing to do with the reality of the sorry state we are in because of his leadership or lack thereof.
Agree Sid. The primary focus of this election should be about the economy, unemployment, inflation, and the deficit. We had a major shift in Michigan and Wisconsin going from deep blue to red states because voters became convinced that the Democrats were driving both states to financial ruin and that same argument should be made on a national level. The Republicans hammered Clinton non stop over personal matters but he won re election easily. Clinton's victory over Bush 1 and Reagan's over Carter's was, I think, largely due to voter dissatisfaction about the economy and present economic times make Obama vulnerable. But, it will be tough to beat him given that the Pacific Coast and East Coast states are in the Democratic lockbox. Mitt seems the most viable candidate right now. My hope was that Petreaus was a secret Republican and would become a nominee but that wish seems to have evaporated as quickly as my hope about Harbaugh becoming M's coach did. I think Christie has the potential to be a very credible national candidate If Palin, Trump, or Huckabee become the nominee, one might as well start playing Don Meredith's song
Agree Bobda.....I'm curious as to how well Christie will play on the national stage. I believe Romney and Christie to be a formidable ticket albeit somewhat problematic in its geographic reach and one that would surely get the labor panties in quite a wad.....come to think of it, that might not be a bad thing.....they would surely be the most qualified team in the election and one that has evidenced the stones to address tough problems and make tough decisions .....if that matters anymore.
Romney has two problems. First he's Mormon. Second while governor of Mass. he signed into law their health care bill. Many of those opposed to Obama are furious about Obamacare. They're not going to be happy with Mitt.
I hear ya Gip, agree and understand. He is not without his baggage but as we stand here today, he surely seems the best of the lot and I think Christie could go a long way to shore up some of his vulnerabilities.....
Usually when the American voter is fed up with how they're being governed they seek the candidate that is the most opposite to the incumbent. Nixon begat Carter and Carter begat Reagan. My choice would be someone fiscally conservative. I'd prefer someone who knows our history and tradition and is proud of it. I'd like someone politically savy and who can go toe to toe with the smartest teleprompter. I'd be thrilled with someone like Newt Gingrich.
I heard the first buzz yesterday of a Romney-Christie ticket. Trump will never jump in. He can't stand the scrutiny. Charles Krauthamer has him down cold and is mocking him daily. He is just enjoying some free publicity and the emphasis is on "free" Gingrich sounds good but lives his life differently than he advises the rest of us to. No one likes a phony. Speaking of phonies, Huckabee is almost more than I can bear. He would be like voting for Junior Samples.
I am far from a civil rights activist but this article sums up some of what I believe was going on with the "birther" debate: "It's no surprise that Donald Trump, the quintessential example of bloated, egocentric American wealth and excess, has already moved on to questioning the grounds for President Obama's admission to Harvard." Whitewater, Ron Brown conspiracies, Swift boats and now this. I see what you're doing here.........and it stinks.
Do any of you guys watch Trumps show on the Golf Channel? I do and I can't imagine him as a public servant on any level from the city council to the White House. I would however like to be a member at one of his about first class and attention to detail
Agree Newt is the poster boy for political baggage. For it to be someone other than Romney one of the Govenors will have to come out of the pack and grab the imagination of the GOP base.
Actually he is being criticized in some media circles for succumbing to the idiotic and downright disrespectful birther game in the first place by calling the news conference. You have to wonder what past president ever went through such indignity.
You mean like Democrats trying to dishonor Bushes Military Service, or with no proof trying to pin Cocaine use on him, or maybe when they dug up the 30 y/o DUI? Nah I can't imagine any other president being harassed by the other side like this, BTW has anybody asked Dan Rather to authenticate the document?