Iowa Deserves Scrutiny Exertional Rhabdomyolysis is very rare. It seems incredible for 13 athletes to be afflicted with this condition at the same time. Either; 1. The workouts were incredibly demanding (and dumb). 2. There was some other complicating factor at work (i.e. flu virus as well) 3. The diagnosis was wrong
Can't be good for Ferentz....this coming on the heels of the team melt-down following the regular season....not good. It's a shame, I always believed him to be first rate, but there appear to be some chinks in the armor.....
:shock: Holy cow! I've never heard of anything like this. Do we know what the Iowa coaches were doing to cause thirteen players to suffer a life-threatening condition? Where was the trainer? What were they doing differently from everyone else? Is this condition permanent? Incredible....
:x Barbaric... "Who wants to be here?" Nobody now. These guys don't know what they're doing. Timing players to do 100 squats (with weights) as fast as they can do them? What's the point of that? It's nonsense. As someone who once played football for a staff of abusive coaches (who were all fired at mid-year) I want these clowns fired, starting with Ferentz. When you see your players only as objects or means-to-an-end its time to hang up your whistle and go do something else...
Were these guys taking steroids or large amounts of supplements? Sounds fishy for 13 to get sick at the same time.